Tentang Tentang contoh Pribadi Singgahan Keluar Tutup Iya Tidak Batal Unduh Unduh %1$s Media disimpan Berkas: %1$s Kata Sandi Surel Akun Pesan-Pesan Label Simpan Contoh Contoh: mastodon.sosial Sekarang bekerja dengan akun %1$s Tambahkan sebagai akun Isi pesan telah disalin ke papan klip URL dari pesan telah disalin ke papan klip Kamera Hapus semua Susunan acara Ukuran teks Selanjutnya Sebelumnya Buka dengan Mengesahkan Media Bagikan dengan Dibagi melalui Fedilab Balasan Nama pengguna Konsep Favorit Pengikut baru Menyebutkan Tingkatkan Tampilkan Tingkatan Tampilkan balasan Buka di peramban Menerjemahkan Beranda Jadwal kronologi Pengguna diredam Pengguna diblokir Pemberitahuan Permintaan mengikuti Pengaturan Kirim sebuah surel Pesan terjadwal Informasi di bawah ini mungkin mencerminkan profil pengguna tidak lengkap. Masukkan karakter Aplikasi tidak mengumpulkan kostum karakter untuk saat ini. Are you sure you want to logout @%1$s@%2$s? Tidak ada pesan untuk ditampilkan Tambahkan pesan ini ke favorit kamu\? Hapus pesan ini dari favorit kamu\? Boost pesan ini\? Unboost pesan ini\? Bisu Blok Melaporkan Menghapus Salin Bagikan Menyebut Mematikan waktu Hapus & draf ulang Bisukan akun ini? Blok akun ini? Laporkan kutipan ini? Blok domain ini? Unmute this account? Unblock this account? Notifikasi Senyap Menghapus kutipan ini? Delete & re-draft this toot? Bookmark Tambahkan ke bookmark Hapus bookmark Status telah ditambahkan ke bookmark! Status telah dihapus dari bookmark! %d s %d m %d h %d d %d detik %d menit %d jam %d hari Terjadi kesalahan saat memilih media! Hapus media ini? Pesan kamu kosong! Pesan telah terkirim! Konten sensitif? Tidak ada konsep! Pilih akun Pilih beberapa akun Menghapus konsep? Menjelaskan untuk tuna netra Deskripsi tidak tersedia! Rilis %1$s Pengembang: Lisensi: GNU GPL V3 Sumber kode: Contoh pencarian: Tidak ada akun yang ditampilkan Tidak ada permintaan mengikuti Pesan \n %1$s Pengikut \n %1$s Pengikut \n %1$s Tolak Tidak ada pesan terjadwal untuk ditampilkan! Hapus pesan terjadwal\? Pesan berhasil dijadwalkan! Tanggal yang dijadwalkan harus lebih besar dari jam saat ini! Untuk mematikan waktu harus lebih besar dari satu menit. %1$s telah dibisukan sampai %2$s.\n Kamu dapat menyalakan akun ini dari halaman profil mereka. %1$s dibisukan sampai %2$s.\n Klik disini untuk menyalakan akun. Tidak ada pemberitahuan untuk ditampilkan menyebutmu wrote a new message tingkatkan status Kamu status kesukaan Kamu mengikutimu meminta untuk mengikuti anda Hapus semua pemberitahuan? Semua pemberitahuan telah dihapus! Pengikut Tidak menemukan id klien! Akun diblokir! Akun tidak lagi diblokir! Akun dibisukan! Akun tidak dibisukan lagi! Akun itu diikuti! Akun tersebut tidak lagi diikuti! Kutipan telah di-boost! Pesan tidak lagi di-boost! Pesan ini ditambahkan ke favoritmu! Pesan telah dihapus dari favoritmu! Ups! Terjadi kesalahan! Terjadi Kesalahan! Contohnya tidak mengembalikan kode otoritas! Domain contoh sepertinya tidak valid! Terjadi kesalahan saat beralih akun! Terjadi kesalahan saat mencari! Tidak dapat diambil tindakan Terjadi kesalahan saat menerjemahkan! Jumlah pesan setiap memuat Nonaktifkan avatar GIF Beritahu ketika seseorang mengikuti Anda Beritahu ketika seseorang meningkatkan status Anda Beritahu ketika seseorang menyukai status Anda Beritahu ketika seseorang menyebut Anda Beritahu ketika pemilihan berakhir Notify for new posts Tampilkan dialog konfirmasi sebelum meningkatkan Tampilkan dialog konfirmasi sebelum menambahkan ke favorit Memberitahu? Diamkan pemberitahuan Lihat NSFW waktu habis (detik, 0 berarti mati) Waktu Keterangan Media habis (detik, 0 berarti mati) Custom sharing Your custom sharing URL… Kunci akun Simpan perubahan Fit preview images Antara dan Gunakan browser built-in Tab kustom Automatically expand cw Atur warna LED: Biru Sian Magenta Hijau Merah Kuning Putih Ikuti Buka blokir Bisu Bersuara Kirim permintaan Mengikutimu Huruf pertama kapital untuk membalas Resize pictures Resize videos Mb Judul Title… Description Keywords Keywords… Public Unlisted Private Direct Saring dengan ekspresi reguler Cari Hapus Daftar Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus secara permanen daftar ini? Tambahkan ke daftar Hapus daftar Judul daftar baru The account was added to the list! You don\'t have any lists yet! %1$s telah dipindahkan ke%2$s Media telah berhasil dimuat. Klik disini untuk menampilkannya. Proxy Enable proxy? Host Port Login Password Tambahkan detil pesan saat dibagikan Support the app on Liberapay There is an error in the regular expression! No timelines was found on this instance! Follow instance You already follow this instance! Partnerships Hide boosts from %s Feature on profile Show boosts from %s Don\'t feature on profile Direct message Filters No filters to display. You can create one by tapping on the \"+\" button. Keyword or phrase Home timeline Public timelines Notifications Conversations Will be matched regardless of casing in text or content warning of a message Drop instead of hide Filtered messages will disappear irreversibly, even if filter is later removed When the keyword or phrase is alphanumeric only, it will only be applied if it matches the whole word Whole word Filter contexts One or multiple contexts where the filter should apply Expire after Delete filter? Update filter You have not created a list yet. Tap on the \"+\" button to add a new one. Automatically expand hidden media New follow New Boost New Favourite New Mention Poll Ended Messages Backup New posts Media Download Select Tone Enable time slot Are you sure to block %s?\n\nYou will not see any content from that domain in any public timeline or in your notifications. Your followers from that domain will be removed. Block domain The domain is blocked Fetching remote status Peertube instance Use Emoji One Information Display previews in all messages The account id has been copied in the clipboard! Change the language Truncate long messages Truncate messages over \'x\' lines. Zero means disabled. Display more Display less The tag already exists! Schedule boost The boost is scheduled! No scheduled boost to display! Open menu Profile picture Profile banner Contact admin of the instance MastoHost logo Emoji picker Expand the conversation Custom emoji picker Favicon Add description for media (for the visually impaired) Never 30 minutes 1 hour 6 hours 12 hours 1 day 1 week Languages Media only Show NSFW Bot Pixelfed instance Mastodon instance Any of these All of these None of these Any of these words (space-separated) All these words (space-separated) Add some words to filter (space-separated) Change column name Misskey instance Trending Local Category Description Share Pesan (Server) Pesan (Device) Timelines Interface Contacts An error occurred when selecting the backup file! Logout account All Copy link http calls blocked by the application List of blocked calls Submit Filter timeline with tags No tags Attach an image when sharing a URL Create a poll Choice %d You need two choices at least for the poll! Done end at %s Vote A poll you have voted in has ended A poll you published has ended Categories Move timeline Hide timeline Manage timelines List permanently deleted Followed instance removed Pinned tag removed Undo Main timelines can only be hidden! Always mark media as sensitive GNU instance Forward tags in replies Long press to store media Manage tags Display name Emoji Text Filter Brush Discard Saving… Image Saved Successfully! Failed to save Image Add a poll item Mute conversation Unmute conversation The conversation is no longer muted! The conversation is muted General Regional Art Activism Gaming Technology Furry Food Logo of the instance Join Mastodon Choose an instance by picking up a category, then tap on a check button. %1$s users Confirm password I agree to %1$s and %2$s server rules terms of service Sign-up This instance works with invitations. Your account will need to be manually approved by an administrator before being usable. Passwords don\'t match! The email doesn\'t seem to be valid! You will be sent a confirmation e-mail Use at least 8 characters Password should contain at least 8 characters Username should only contain letters, numbers and underscores Account created! Your account has been created!\n\n Think to validate your email within the 48 next hours.\n\n You can now connect your account by writing %1$s in the first field and click on Connect.\n\n Important: If your instance required validation, you will receive an email once it is validated! Save the message in drafts? Administration Reports Unresolved Remote Active Pending Disabled Suspended Permissions Disable Silence Account Undo silence Undo disable Suspend Undo suspend The application needs to access audio recording Voice message During the time slot, the app will send notifications. You can reverse (ie: silent) this time slot with the right spinner. Previews will not be cropped in timelines Automatically insert a line break after the mention to capitalize the first letter Allow content creators to share statuses to their RSS feeds Compose Select Add an instance Enable crash reports If enabled, a crash report will be created locally and then you will be able to share it. Fedilab has stopped :( You can send me by email the crash report. It will help to fix it :)\n\nYou can add additional content. Thank you! Visibility Disable custom animated emojis Report account %d voters Single choice Multiple choices 5 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 6 hours 1 day 3 days 7 days Your poll can\'t have duplicated options! Clear cache when leaving The cache (media, cached messages, data from the built-in browser) will be automatically cleared when leaving the application. Do you want to unfollow this account? Show confirmation dialog before unfollowing Replace Medium links Gunakan frontend alternatif untuk Medium Default: scribe.rip Use a push notifications system for getting notifications in real time. Add notes Notes for the account Allow to compress large photos into smaller sized photos with very less or negligible loss in quality of the image. Allow compressing videos while maintaining their quality. Order by Links Change the color of links (URLs, mentions, tags, etc.) in messages Reblogs header Change the color of display name at the top of messages Change the color of the user name at the top of messages Change the color of the header for reblogs Posts Background color of posts in timelines Reset colors Tap here to reset all your custom colors Reset Icons Color of bottom icons in timelines Logo of the instance Edit profile Make an action Translation Text color Change the text color in pots Use a custom theme Theming The theme was exported The theme has been successfully exported in CSV Import a theme Tap here to import a theme from a previous export Export the theme Tap here to export the current theme An error occurred when selecting the theme file User count Status count Instance count End in %s This instance is not available on https://instances.social Display full link Share link Open with another app Check redirect This URL does not redirect %1$s \n\nredirects to\n\n %2$s Remove UTM parameters The app will automatically remove UTM parameters from URLs before visiting a link. %d people talking Twitter accounts (via Nitter) Twitter usernames space separated Identity proofs Verified identity Verified by %1$s (%2$s) Action disabled Unfollow Something went wrong, please check your download directory in settings. Announcements No announcements! Add a reaction Video cache in MB, zero means no cache. Watermarks Automatically add a watermark at the bottom of pictures. The text can be customized for each account. No distributors found! You need a distributor for receiving push notifications.\nYou will find more details at %1$s.\n\nYou can also disable push notifications in settings for ignoring that message. Select a distributor Ukuran Ikon Visibilitas pesan secara default: Tetap tampilkan