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synced 2024-12-22 16:50:04 +02:00
Support Markdown
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 82 additions and 1 deletions
@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.vkay94:DoubleTapPlayerView:1.0.0'
implementation 'io.noties.markwon:core:4.6.2'
//************ CAST **************///
//---> Google libs (google_full)
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package app.fedilab.android.mastodon.client.entities.app;
/* Copyright 2023 Thomas Schneider
* This file is a part of Fedilab
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Fedilab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
* the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fedilab; if not,
* see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>. */
import android.text.style.URLSpan;
import java.util.List;
public class MarkdownConverter {
public List<MarkdownItem> markdownItems;
public MarkdownItem getByPosition(int position) {
if (markdownItems != null && markdownItems.size() > 0 && position < markdownItems.size()) {
for (MarkdownItem markdownItem : markdownItems) {
if (markdownItem.position == position) {
return markdownItem;
return null;
public static class MarkdownItem {
public String code;
public int position;
public URLSpan urlSpan;
@ -84,9 +84,11 @@ import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.client.entities.api.Emoji;
import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.client.entities.api.Filter;
import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.client.entities.api.Mention;
import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.client.entities.api.Status;
import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.client.entities.app.MarkdownConverter;
import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.ui.drawer.StatusAdapter;
import app.fedilab.android.mastodon.viewmodel.mastodon.FiltersVM;
import es.dmoral.toasty.Toasty;
import io.noties.markwon.Markwon;
public class SpannableHelper {
@ -149,7 +151,43 @@ public class SpannableHelper {
//Get all links
SpannableStringBuilder content = new SpannableStringBuilder(initialContent);
MarkdownConverter markdownConverter = new MarkdownConverter();
markdownConverter.markdownItems = new ArrayList<>();
int next;
int position = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < initialContent.length(); i = next) {
// find the next span transition
next = initialContent.nextSpanTransition(i, initialContent.length(), URLSpan.class);
MarkdownConverter.MarkdownItem markdownItem = new MarkdownConverter.MarkdownItem();
markdownItem.code = initialContent.subSequence(i, next).toString();
markdownItem.position = position;
// get all spans in this range
URLSpan[] spans = initialContent.getSpans(i, next, URLSpan.class);
if (spans != null && spans.length > 0) {
markdownItem.urlSpan = spans[0];
if (markdownItem.code.trim().length() > 0) {
final Markwon markwon = Markwon.create(context);
final Spanned markdown = markwon.toMarkdown(initialContent.toString());
SpannableStringBuilder content = new SpannableStringBuilder(markdown);
position = 0;
for (MarkdownConverter.MarkdownItem markdownItem : markdownConverter.markdownItems) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(" + Pattern.quote(markdownItem.code) + ")", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(content);
while (m.find()) {
content.setSpan(markdownItem.urlSpan, m.start(), m.end(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
URLSpan[] urls = content.getSpans(0, (content.length() - 1), URLSpan.class);
//Loop through links
for (URLSpan span : urls) {
Reference in a new issue