• Joined on 2022-11-22
me created repository me/discord-cc-bridge 2023-10-28 15:23:19 +03:00
me closed issue me/e4mc_minecraft#32 2023-10-28 15:17:15 +03:00
Static IP
me commented on issue me/e4mc_minecraft#32 2023-10-28 15:17:14 +03:00
Static IP

get a dedicated server if you want static IP

me pushed to main at me/owo-vencord 2023-10-25 11:18:18 +03:00
97c0face2f PinDMs: Fix canary crash
1a1d9b07e8 Fix canary crashing (#1833)
4a2def03e7 Fix MessageDecorationsAPI patch
544edce9f9 bump to v1.5.8
Compare 23 commits »
me pushed to main at me/owo-vencord 2023-10-14 09:24:20 +03:00
188d12d1a3 roleColorEverywhere: role group color in thread/forum (#1778)
a522eab40d feat(plugin): NoMosaic (#1791)
c2721f158f imageZoom: fix again (#1793)
61cd7b4d99 arrpc: refactor for use in vesktop
Compare 39 commits »
me closed issue me/e4mc_minecraft#25 2023-10-06 15:22:20 +03:00
Mod fails to work on Quilt
me commented on issue me/e4mc_minecraft#25 2023-10-06 15:22:18 +03:00
Mod fails to work on Quilt

old issue, native loading was changed in 4.1 or something

me closed issue me/e4mc_minecraft#20 2023-10-06 15:21:05 +03:00
Invalid login session(using sk launcher)
me closed issue me/e4mc_minecraft#29 2023-10-06 15:20:47 +03:00
Getting "Connection Refused: No Further Info" when trying to join a server
me commented on issue me/e4mc_minecraft#29 2023-10-06 15:20:46 +03:00
Getting "Connection Refused: No Further Info" when trying to join a server

if the issue still happens, reopen. this kinda server issues are usually ephemeral

me closed issue me/e4mc_minecraft#26 2023-10-06 15:18:51 +03:00
Server not starting
me commented on issue me/e4mc_minecraft#26 2023-10-06 15:17:59 +03:00
Server not starting

log, please

me pushed to main at me/owo-vencord 2023-09-29 13:47:05 +03:00
62277770a8 bump to v1.5.3
4facc3cad7 webContextMenus: support pasting images
837d1fc083 web: fix themes tab (#1756)
608a67c9ae fix quick/searchReply & MessageClickactions not working in dms
Compare 128 commits »
me closed issue me/e4mc_minecraft#24 2023-08-21 17:04:45 +03:00
Hot-download relevant Netty lib
me commented on issue me/e4mc_minecraft#24 2023-08-21 17:04:42 +03:00
Hot-download relevant Netty lib


me pushed to main at me/e4mc_minecraft 2023-08-21 16:25:44 +03:00
ccb7025b74 oops
me pushed to main at me/e4mc_minecraft 2023-08-21 15:37:49 +03:00
8a681524b2 4.0.1
me pushed to hrt at me/e4vc 2023-08-15 16:12:26 +03:00
956ec10e83 proper index.html
me created branch hrt in me/e4vc 2023-08-15 16:05:20 +03:00