Add QuickCss toggle; add settings listener api
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 56 additions and 14 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
export * as Plugins from "./plugins";
export * as Webpack from "./webpack";
export * as Api from "./api";
export { Settings } from "./api/settings";
import "./utils/patchWebpack";
import "./utils/quickCss";
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { mergeDefaults } from '../utils/misc';
interface Settings {
unsafeRequire: boolean;
useQuickCss: boolean;
plugins: {
[plugin: string]: {
enabled: boolean;
@ -15,8 +16,9 @@ interface Settings {
const DefaultSettings: Settings = {
unsafeRequire: false,
useQuickCss: true,
plugins: {}
} as any;
for (const plugin in plugins) {
DefaultSettings.plugins[plugin] = {
@ -35,21 +37,26 @@ try {
var settings = mergeDefaults({} as Settings, DefaultSettings);
const subscriptions = new Set<() => void>();
type SubscriptionCallback = ((newValue: any) => void) & { _path?: string; };
const subscriptions = new Set<SubscriptionCallback>();
function makeProxy(settings: Settings, root = settings): Settings {
function makeProxy(settings: Settings, root = settings, path = ""): Settings {
return new Proxy(settings, {
get(target, p) {
get(target, p: string) {
const v = target[p];
if (typeof v === "object" && !Array.isArray(v)) return makeProxy(v, root);
if (typeof v === "object" && !Array.isArray(v))
return makeProxy(v, root, `${path}${path && "."}${p}`);
return v;
set(target, p, v) {
set(target, p: string, v) {
if (target[p] === v) return true;
target[p] = v;
const setPath = `${path}${path && "."}${p}`;
for (const subscription of subscriptions) {
if (!subscription._path || subscription._path === setPath) {
VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.SET_SETTINGS, JSON.stringify(root, null, 4));
return true;
@ -79,3 +86,15 @@ export function useSettings() {
return Settings;
// Resolves a possibly nested prop in the form of "some.nested.prop" to type of T.some.nested.prop
type ResolvePropDeep<T, P> = P extends "" ? T :
P extends `${infer Pre}.${infer Suf}` ?
Pre extends keyof T ? ResolvePropDeep<T[Pre], Suf> : never : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : never;
export function addSettingsListener<Path extends keyof Settings>(path: Path, onUpdate: (newValue: Settings[Path]) => void): void;
export function addSettingsListener<Path extends string>(path: Path, onUpdate: (newValue: ResolvePropDeep<Settings, Path>) => void): void;
export function addSettingsListener(path: string, onUpdate: (newValue: any) => void) {
(onUpdate as SubscriptionCallback)._path = path;
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ export default ErrorBoundary.wrap(function Settings(props) {
return o;
}, []);
const sortedPlugins = React.useMemo(() => Object.values(Plugins).sort((a, b) =>, []);
return (
<Forms.FormSection tag="h1" title="Vencord">
<Forms.FormText>SettingsDir: {settingsDir}</Forms.FormText>
@ -50,16 +52,23 @@ export default ErrorBoundary.wrap(function Settings(props) {
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h5">Settings</Forms.FormTitle>
onChange={v => settings.useQuickCss = v}
note="Enable QuickCss"
Use QuickCss
onChange={v => settings.unsafeRequire = v}
note="Enables VencordNative.require. Useful for testing, very bad for security. Leave this off unless you need it."
Enable Ensafe Require
Enable Unsafe Require
<Forms.FormDivider />
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h5">Plugins</Forms.FormTitle>
{Object.values(Plugins).map(p => {
{ => {
const enabledDependants = depMap[]?.filter(d => settings.plugins[d].enabled);
const dependency = enabledDependants?.length;
@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
import { addSettingsListener, Settings } from "../api/settings";
import IpcEvents from "./IpcEvents";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", async () => {
const style = document.createElement("style");
VencordNative.ipc.on(IpcEvents.QUICK_CSS_UPDATE, (_, css: string) => style.innerText = css);
style.innerText = await VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.GET_QUICK_CSS);
let style: HTMLStyleElement;
export async function toggle(isEnabled: boolean) {
if (!style) {
if (isEnabled) {
style = document.createElement("style");
|||| = "vencord-custom-css";
VencordNative.ipc.on(IpcEvents.QUICK_CSS_UPDATE, (_, css: string) => style.innerText = css);
style.innerText = await VencordNative.ipc.invoke(IpcEvents.GET_QUICK_CSS);
} else style.disabled = !isEnabled;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
addSettingsListener("useQuickCss", toggle);
Reference in a new issue