Pull requests can be made either to the `main` or the `dev` branch. However, unless you're an advanced user, I recommend sticking to `main`. This is because the dev branch might contain unstable changes and be force pushed frequently, which could cause conflicts in your pull request.
- Check existing pull requests to see if someone is already working on a similar plugin
- Check our [plugin requests tracker](https://github.com/Vencord/plugin-requests/issues) to see if there is an existing request, or if the same idea has been rejected
- If there isn't an existing request, [open one](https://github.com/Vencord/plugin-requests/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&projects=&template=request.yml) yourself
and include that you'd like to work on this yourself. Then wait for feedback to see if the idea even has any chance of being accepted. Or maybe others have some ideas to improve it!
- Familarise yourself with our plugin rules below to ensure your plugin is not banned
- No simple slash command plugins like `/cat`. Instead, make a [user installable Discord bot](https://discord.com/developers/docs/change-log#userinstallable-apps-preview)
- No simple text replace plugins like Let me Google that for you. The TextReplace plugin can do this
- No raw DOM manipulation. Use proper patches and React
- No FakeDeafen or FakeMute
- No StereoMic
- No plugins that simply hide or redesign ui elements. This can be done with CSS