You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

41 lines
1.6 KiB

- content_for :page_title do
= t('admin.trends.tags.title')
- content_for :header_tags do
= javascript_pack_tag 'admin', async: true, crossorigin: 'anonymous'
%p= t('admin.trends.tags.description_html')
%strong= t('')
%li= filter_link_to t('generic.all'), status: nil
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.approved'), status: 'approved'
%li= filter_link_to t('admin.trends.rejected'), status: 'rejected'
%li= filter_link_to safe_join([t('admin.accounts.moderation.pending'), "(#{Tag.pending_review.count})"], ' '), status: 'pending_review'
= form_for(@form, url: batch_admin_trends_tags_path) do |f|
= hidden_field_tag :page, params[:page] || 1
- Trends::TagFilter::KEYS.each do |key|
= hidden_field_tag key, params[key] if params[key].present?
= check_box_tag :batch_checkbox_all, nil, false
= f.button safe_join([fa_icon('check'), t('admin.trends.allow')]), name: :approve, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
= f.button safe_join([fa_icon('times'), t('admin.trends.disallow')]), name: :reject, class: 'table-action-link', type: :submit, data: { confirm: t('admin.reports.are_you_sure') }
- if @tags.empty?
= nothing_here 'nothing-here--under-tabs'
- else
= render partial: 'tag', collection: @tags, locals: { f: f }
= paginate @tags