* Change public accounts pages to mount the web UI * Fix handling of remote usernames in routes - When logged in, serve web app - When logged out, redirect to permalink - Fix `app-body` class not being set sometimes due to name conflict * Fix missing `multiColumn` prop * Fix failing test * Use `discoverable` attribute to control indexing directives * Fix `<ColumnLoading />` not using `multiColumn` * Add `noindex` to accounts in REST API * Change noindex directive to not be rendered by default before a route is mounted * Add loading indicator for detailed status in web UI * Fix missing indicator appearing while account is loading in web UI
199 lines
6.6 KiB
199 lines
6.6 KiB
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { defineMessages, injectIntl } from 'react-intl';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import BundleContainer from '../containers/bundle_container';
import ColumnLoading from './column_loading';
import DrawerLoading from './drawer_loading';
import BundleColumnError from './bundle_column_error';
import {
} from '../../ui/util/async-components';
import Icon from 'mastodon/components/icon';
import ComposePanel from './compose_panel';
import NavigationPanel from './navigation_panel';
import { supportsPassiveEvents } from 'detect-passive-events';
import { scrollRight } from '../../../scroll';
const componentMap = {
'COMPOSE': Compose,
'HOME': HomeTimeline,
'NOTIFICATIONS': Notifications,
'PUBLIC': PublicTimeline,
'REMOTE': PublicTimeline,
'COMMUNITY': CommunityTimeline,
'HASHTAG': HashtagTimeline,
'DIRECT': DirectTimeline,
'FAVOURITES': FavouritedStatuses,
'BOOKMARKS': BookmarkedStatuses,
'LIST': ListTimeline,
'DIRECTORY': Directory,
const messages = defineMessages({
publish: { id: 'compose_form.publish', defaultMessage: 'Publish' },
const shouldHideFAB = path => path.match(/^\/statuses\/|^\/@[^/]+\/\d+|^\/publish|^\/explore|^\/getting-started|^\/start/);
export default @(component => injectIntl(component, { withRef: true }))
class ColumnsArea extends ImmutablePureComponent {
static contextTypes = {
router: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
identity: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
static propTypes = {
intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
columns: ImmutablePropTypes.list.isRequired,
isModalOpen: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
singleColumn: PropTypes.bool,
children: PropTypes.node,
// Corresponds to (max-width: $no-gap-breakpoint + 285px - 1px) in SCSS
mediaQuery = 'matchMedia' in window && window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1174px)');
state = {
renderComposePanel: !(this.mediaQuery && this.mediaQuery.matches),
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.props.singleColumn) {
this.node.addEventListener('wheel', this.handleWheel, supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: true } : false);
if (this.mediaQuery) {
if (this.mediaQuery.addEventListener) {
this.mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', this.handleLayoutChange);
} else {
this.setState({ renderComposePanel: !this.mediaQuery.matches });
this.isRtlLayout = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].classList.contains('rtl');
componentWillUpdate(nextProps) {
if (this.props.singleColumn !== nextProps.singleColumn && nextProps.singleColumn) {
this.node.removeEventListener('wheel', this.handleWheel);
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.singleColumn !== prevProps.singleColumn && !this.props.singleColumn) {
this.node.addEventListener('wheel', this.handleWheel, supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: true } : false);
componentWillUnmount () {
if (!this.props.singleColumn) {
this.node.removeEventListener('wheel', this.handleWheel);
if (this.mediaQuery) {
if (this.mediaQuery.removeEventListener) {
this.mediaQuery.removeEventListener('change', this.handleLayoutChange);
} else {
handleChildrenContentChange() {
if (!this.props.singleColumn) {
const modifier = this.isRtlLayout ? -1 : 1;
this._interruptScrollAnimation = scrollRight(this.node, (this.node.scrollWidth - window.innerWidth) * modifier);
handleLayoutChange = (e) => {
this.setState({ renderComposePanel: !e.matches });
handleWheel = () => {
if (typeof this._interruptScrollAnimation !== 'function') {
setRef = (node) => {
this.node = node;
renderLoading = columnId => () => {
return columnId === 'COMPOSE' ? <DrawerLoading /> : <ColumnLoading multiColumn />;
renderError = (props) => {
return <BundleColumnError multiColumn {...props} />;
render () {
const { columns, children, singleColumn, isModalOpen, intl } = this.props;
const { renderComposePanel } = this.state;
const { signedIn } = this.context.identity;
if (singleColumn) {
const floatingActionButton = (!signedIn || shouldHideFAB(this.context.router.history.location.pathname)) ? null : <Link key='floating-action-button' to='/publish' className='floating-action-button' aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.publish)}><Icon id='pencil' /></Link>;
return (
<div className='columns-area__panels'>
<div className='columns-area__panels__pane columns-area__panels__pane--compositional'>
<div className='columns-area__panels__pane__inner'>
{renderComposePanel && <ComposePanel />}
<div className={`columns-area__panels__main ${floatingActionButton && 'with-fab'}`}>
<div className='tabs-bar__wrapper'><div id='tabs-bar__portal' /></div>
<div className='columns-area columns-area--mobile'>{children}</div>
<div className='columns-area__panels__pane columns-area__panels__pane--start columns-area__panels__pane--navigational'>
<div className='columns-area__panels__pane__inner'>
<NavigationPanel />
return (
<div className={`columns-area ${ isModalOpen ? 'unscrollable' : '' }`} ref={this.setRef}>
{columns.map(column => {
const params = column.get('params', null) === null ? null : column.get('params').toJS();
const other = params && params.other ? params.other : {};
return (
<BundleContainer key={column.get('uuid')} fetchComponent={componentMap[column.get('id')]} loading={this.renderLoading(column.get('id'))} error={this.renderError}>
{SpecificComponent => <SpecificComponent columnId={column.get('uuid')} params={params} multiColumn {...other} />}
{React.Children.map(children, child => React.cloneElement(child, { multiColumn: true }))}