Eugen Rochko 9d55529318 Fix text color in dashboard inputs, sanitize remote status content in UI,
simplify FanOutOnWriteService, add /api/accounts/lookup method
2016-03-21 17:02:16 +01:00

15 lines
478 B

require 'rails_helper'
# Specs in this file have access to a helper object that includes
# the Api::Accounts::LookupHelper. For example:
# describe Api::Accounts::LookupHelper do
# describe "string concat" do
# it "concats two strings with spaces" do
# expect(helper.concat_strings("this","that")).to eq("this that")
# end
# end
# end
RSpec.describe Api::Accounts::LookupHelper, type: :helper do
pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"