unarist 0129f5eada Optimize FixReblogsInFeeds migration ()
We have changed how we store reblogs in the redis for bigint IDs. This process is done by 1) scan all entries in users feed, and 2) re-store reblogs by 3 write commands.

However, this operation is really slow for large instances. e.g. 1hrs on (w/ 50k users). So I have tried below tweaks.

* It checked non-reblogs by `entry[0] == entry[1]`, but this condition won't work because `entry[0]` is String while `entry[1]` is Float. Changing `entry[0].to_i == entry[1]` seems work.
  -> about 4-20x faster (feed with less reblogs will be faster)
* Write operations can be batched by pipeline
  -> about 6x faster
* Wrap operation by Lua script and execute by EVALSHA command. This really reduces packets between Ruby and Redis.
  -> about 3x faster

I've taken Lua script way, though doing other optimizations may be enough.
2017-10-27 16:10:22 +02:00

77 lines
3 KiB

class FixReblogsInFeeds < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def up
redis = Redis.current
fm = FeedManager.instance
# Old scheme:
# Each user's feed zset had a series of score:value entries,
# where "regular" statuses had the same score and value (their
# ID). Reblogs had a score of the reblogging status' ID, and a
# value of the reblogged status' ID.
# New scheme:
# The feed contains only entries with the same score and value.
# Reblogs result in the reblogging status being added to the
# feed, with an entry in a reblog tracking zset (where the score
# is once again set to the reblogging status' ID, and the value
# is set to the reblogged status' ID). This is safe for Redis'
# float coersion because in this reblog tracking zset, we only
# need the rebloggging status' ID to be able to stop tracking
# entries after they have gotten too far down the feed, which
# does not require an exact value.
# This process reads all feeds and writes 3 times for each reblogs.
# So we use Lua script to avoid overhead between Ruby and Redis.
script = <<-LUA
local timeline_key = KEYS[1]
local reblog_key = KEYS[2]
-- So, first, we iterate over the user's feed to find any reblogs.
local items ='zrange', timeline_key, 0, -1, 'withscores')
for i = 1, #items, 2 do
local reblogged_id = items[i]
local reblogging_id = items[i + 1]
if (reblogged_id ~= reblogging_id) then
-- The score and value don't match, so this is a reblog.
-- (note that we're transitioning from IDs < 53 bits so we
-- don't have to worry about the loss of precision)
-- Remove the old entry'zrem', timeline_key, reblogged_id)
-- Add a new one for the reblogging status'zadd', timeline_key, reblogging_id, reblogging_id)
-- Track the fact that this was a reblog'zadd', reblog_key, reblogging_id, reblogged_id)
script_hash = redis.script(:load, script)
# find_each is batched on the database side.
User.includes(:account).find_each do |user|
account = user.account
timeline_key = fm.key(:home,
reblog_key = fm.key(:home,, 'reblogs')
redis.evalsha(script_hash, [timeline_key, reblog_key])
def down
# We *deliberately* do nothing here. This means that reverting
# this and the associated changes to the FeedManager code could
# allow one superfluous reblog of any given status, but in the case
# where things have gone wrong and a revert is necessary, this
# appears preferable to requiring a database hit for every status
# in every users' feed simply to revert.
# Note that this is operating under the assumption that entries
# with >53-bit IDs have already been entered. Otherwise, we could
# just use the data in Redis to reverse this transition.