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18 lines
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%p.flash-message.hidden#unsupported-browser-message= t 'webauthn_credentials.not_supported'
%p.flash-message.alert.hidden#security-key-error-message= t 'webauthn_credentials.invalid_credential'
= simple_form_for(resource,
as: resource_name,
url: session_path(resource_name),
html: { method: :post, id: 'webauthn-form' }.merge(hidden ? { class: 'hidden' } : {})) do |f|
%h3.title= t('simple_form.title.sessions.webauthn')
%p.hint= t('simple_form.hints.sessions.webauthn')
= f.button :button, t('auth.use_security_key'), class: 'js-webauthn', type: :submit
%p= t('auth.dont_have_your_security_key')
= link_to(t('auth.link_to_otp'), '#', id: 'link-to-otp')