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18 lines
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- method_str = content_tag(:span, login_activity.omniauth? ? t(login_activity.provider, scope: 'auth.providers') : t(login_activity.authentication_method, scope: 'login_activities.authentication_methods'), class: 'target')
- ip_str = content_tag(:span, login_activity.ip, class: 'target')
- browser_str = content_tag(:span, t('sessions.description', browser: t("sessions.browsers.#{login_activity.browser}", default: "#{login_activity.browser}"), platform: t("sessions.platforms.#{login_activity.platform}", default: "#{login_activity.platform}")), class: 'target', title: login_activity.user_agent)
.indicator-icon{ class: login_activity.success? ? 'success' : 'failure' }
= fa_icon login_activity.success? ? 'check' : 'times'
- if login_activity.success?
= t('login_activities.successful_sign_in_html', method: method_str, ip: ip_str, browser: browser_str)
- else
= t('login_activities.failed_sign_in_html', method: method_str, ip: ip_str, browser: browser_str)
%time.formatted{ datetime: login_activity.created_at.iso8601 }= l(login_activity.created_at)