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.batch-table__row{ class: [!account.suspended? && account.user_pending? && 'batch-table__row--attention', account.suspended? && 'batch-table__row--muted'] }
= f.check_box :account_ids, { multiple: true, include_hidden: false },
= account_link_to account, path: admin_account_path(
- if account.suspended? || account.user_pending?
- else
= friendly_number_to_human account.statuses_count
%small= t('accounts.posts', count: account.statuses_count).downcase
- if account.suspended? || account.user_pending?
- else
= friendly_number_to_human account.followers_count
%small= t('accounts.followers', count: account.followers_count).downcase
= relevant_account_timestamp(account)
%small= t('accounts.last_active')
- if account.local?
- if account.user_email
= link_to account.user_email.split('@').last, admin_accounts_path(email: "%@#{account.user_email.split('@').last}"), title: account.user_email
- else
%samp.ellipsized-ip= relevant_account_ip(account, params[:ip])
- if !account.suspended? && account.user_pending? && account.user&.invite_request&.text&.present?
%p= account.user&.invite_request&.text