// Package imports // import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import Icon from 'flavours/glitch/components/icon'; import { me } from 'flavours/glitch/initial_state'; export default class StatusPrepend extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { type: PropTypes.string.isRequired, account: ImmutablePropTypes.map.isRequired, parseClick: PropTypes.func.isRequired, notificationId: PropTypes.number, }; handleClick = (e) => { const { account, parseClick } = this.props; parseClick(e, `/@${account.get('acct')}`); } Message = () => { const { type, account } = this.props; let link = ( <a onClick={this.handleClick} href={account.get('url')} className='status__display-name' > <b dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html : account.get('display_name_html') || account.get('username'), }} /> </a> ); switch (type) { case 'featured': return ( <FormattedMessage id='status.pinned' defaultMessage='Pinned post' /> ); case 'reblogged_by': return ( <FormattedMessage id='status.reblogged_by' defaultMessage='{name} boosted' values={{ name : link }} /> ); case 'favourite': return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.favourite' defaultMessage='{name} favourited your status' values={{ name : link }} /> ); case 'reaction': return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.reaction' defaultMessage='{name} reacted to your status' values={{ name: link }} /> ); case 'reblog': return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.reblog' defaultMessage='{name} boosted your status' values={{ name : link }} /> ); case 'status': return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.status' defaultMessage='{name} just posted' values={{ name: link }} /> ); case 'poll': if (me === account.get('id')) { return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.own_poll' defaultMessage='Your poll has ended' /> ); } else { return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.poll' defaultMessage='A poll you have voted in has ended' /> ); } case 'update': return ( <FormattedMessage id='notification.update' defaultMessage='{name} edited a post' values={{ name: link }} /> ); } return null; } render () { const { Message } = this; const { type } = this.props; let iconId; switch(type) { case 'favourite': iconId = 'star'; break; case 'reaction': iconId = 'plus'; break; case 'featured': iconId = 'thumb-tack'; break; case 'poll': iconId = 'tasks'; break; case 'reblog': case 'reblogged_by': iconId = 'retweet'; break; case 'status': iconId = 'bell'; break; case 'update': iconId = 'pencil'; break; }; return !type ? null : ( <aside className={type === 'reblogged_by' || type === 'featured' ? 'status__prepend' : 'notification__message'}> <div className={type === 'reblogged_by' || type === 'featured' ? 'status__prepend-icon-wrapper' : 'notification__favourite-icon-wrapper'}> <Icon className={`status__prepend-icon ${type === 'favourite' ? 'star-icon' : ''}`} id={iconId} /> </div> <Message /> </aside> ); } }