import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes'; import { fetchStatus } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/statuses'; import MissingIndicator from 'flavours/glitch/components/missing_indicator'; import DetailedStatus from './components/detailed_status'; import ActionBar from './components/action_bar'; import Column from 'flavours/glitch/features/ui/components/column'; import { favourite, unfavourite, bookmark, unbookmark, reblog, unreblog, pin, unpin, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/interactions'; import { replyCompose, mentionCompose, directCompose, } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/compose'; import { blockAccount } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/accounts'; import { muteStatus, unmuteStatus, deleteStatus } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/statuses'; import { initMuteModal } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/mutes'; import { initReport } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/reports'; import { makeGetStatus } from 'flavours/glitch/selectors'; import { ScrollContainer } from 'react-router-scroll-4'; import ColumnBackButton from 'flavours/glitch/components/column_back_button'; import ColumnHeader from '../../components/column_header'; import StatusContainer from 'flavours/glitch/containers/status_container'; import { openModal } from 'flavours/glitch/actions/modal'; import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl'; import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component'; import { HotKeys } from 'react-hotkeys'; import { boostModal, favouriteModal, deleteModal } from 'flavours/glitch/util/initial_state'; import { attachFullscreenListener, detachFullscreenListener, isFullscreen } from 'flavours/glitch/util/fullscreen'; import { autoUnfoldCW } from 'flavours/glitch/util/content_warning'; import { textForScreenReader } from 'flavours/glitch/components/status'; const messages = defineMessages({ deleteConfirm: { id: 'confirmations.delete.confirm', defaultMessage: 'Delete' }, deleteMessage: { id: 'confirmations.delete.message', defaultMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this status?' }, redraftConfirm: { id: 'confirmations.redraft.confirm', defaultMessage: 'Delete & redraft' }, redraftMessage: { id: 'confirmations.redraft.message', defaultMessage: 'Are you sure you want to delete this status and re-draft it? You will lose all replies, boosts and favourites to it.' }, blockConfirm: { id: 'confirmations.block.confirm', defaultMessage: 'Block' }, revealAll: { id: 'status.show_more_all', defaultMessage: 'Show more for all' }, hideAll: { id: 'status.show_less_all', defaultMessage: 'Show less for all' }, detailedStatus: { id: 'status.detailed_status', defaultMessage: 'Detailed conversation view' }, }); const makeMapStateToProps = () => { const getStatus = makeGetStatus(); const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => ({ status: getStatus(state, { id: props.params.statusId }), settings: state.get('local_settings'), ancestorsIds: state.getIn(['contexts', 'ancestors', props.params.statusId]), descendantsIds: state.getIn(['contexts', 'descendants', props.params.statusId]), }); return mapStateToProps; }; @injectIntl @connect(makeMapStateToProps) export default class Status extends ImmutablePureComponent { static contextTypes = { router: PropTypes.object, }; static propTypes = { params: PropTypes.object.isRequired, dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, status:, settings:, ancestorsIds: ImmutablePropTypes.list, descendantsIds: ImmutablePropTypes.list, intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired, }; state = { fullscreen: false, isExpanded: undefined, threadExpanded: undefined, }; componentWillMount () { this.props.dispatch(fetchStatus(this.props.params.statusId)); } componentDidMount () { attachFullscreenListener(this.onFullScreenChange); } componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) { if (this.state.isExpanded === undefined) { const isExpanded = autoUnfoldCW(nextProps.settings, nextProps.status); if (isExpanded !== undefined) this.setState({ isExpanded: isExpanded }); } if (nextProps.params.statusId !== this.props.params.statusId && nextProps.params.statusId) { this._scrolledIntoView = false; this.props.dispatch(fetchStatus(nextProps.params.statusId)); this.setState({ isExpanded: autoUnfoldCW(nextProps.settings, nextProps.status) }); } } handleExpandedToggle = () => { if (this.props.status.get('spoiler_text')) { this.setExpansion(!this.state.isExpanded); } }; handleModalFavourite = (status) => { this.props.dispatch(favourite(status)); } handleFavouriteClick = (status, e) => { if (status.get('favourited')) { this.props.dispatch(unfavourite(status)); } else { if (e.shiftKey || !favouriteModal) { this.handleModalFavourite(status); } else { this.props.dispatch(openModal('FAVOURITE', { status, onFavourite: this.handleModalFavourite })); } } } handlePin = (status) => { if (status.get('pinned')) { this.props.dispatch(unpin(status)); } else { this.props.dispatch(pin(status)); } } handleReplyClick = (status) => { this.props.dispatch(replyCompose(status, this.context.router.history)); } handleModalReblog = (status) => { this.props.dispatch(reblog(status)); } handleReblogClick = (status, e) => { if (status.get('reblogged')) { this.props.dispatch(unreblog(status)); } else { if (e.shiftKey || !boostModal) { this.handleModalReblog(status); } else { this.props.dispatch(openModal('BOOST', { status, onReblog: this.handleModalReblog })); } } } handleBookmarkClick = (status) => { if (status.get('bookmarked')) { this.props.dispatch(unbookmark(status)); } else { this.props.dispatch(bookmark(status)); } } handleDeleteClick = (status, history, withRedraft = false) => { const { dispatch, intl } = this.props; if (!deleteModal) { dispatch(deleteStatus(status.get('id'), history, withRedraft)); } else { dispatch(openModal('CONFIRM', { message: intl.formatMessage(withRedraft ? messages.redraftMessage : messages.deleteMessage), confirm: intl.formatMessage(withRedraft ? messages.redraftConfirm : messages.deleteConfirm), onConfirm: () => dispatch(deleteStatus(status.get('id'), history, withRedraft)), })); } } handleDirectClick = (account, router) => { this.props.dispatch(directCompose(account, router)); } handleMentionClick = (account, router) => { this.props.dispatch(mentionCompose(account, router)); } handleOpenMedia = (media, index) => { this.props.dispatch(openModal('MEDIA', { media, index })); } handleOpenVideo = (media, time) => { this.props.dispatch(openModal('VIDEO', { media, time })); } handleMuteClick = (account) => { this.props.dispatch(initMuteModal(account)); } handleConversationMuteClick = (status) => { if (status.get('muted')) { this.props.dispatch(unmuteStatus(status.get('id'))); } else { this.props.dispatch(muteStatus(status.get('id'))); } } handleToggleAll = () => { const { isExpanded } = this.state; this.setState({ isExpanded: !isExpanded, threadExpanded: !isExpanded }); } handleBlockClick = (account) => { const { dispatch, intl } = this.props; dispatch(openModal('CONFIRM', { message: @{account.get('acct')} }} />, confirm: intl.formatMessage(messages.blockConfirm), onConfirm: () => dispatch(blockAccount(account.get('id'))), })); } handleReport = (status) => { this.props.dispatch(initReport(status.get('account'), status)); } handleEmbed = (status) => { this.props.dispatch(openModal('EMBED', { url: status.get('url') })); } handleHotkeyMoveUp = () => { this.handleMoveUp(this.props.status.get('id')); } handleHotkeyMoveDown = () => { this.handleMoveDown(this.props.status.get('id')); } handleHotkeyReply = e => { e.preventDefault(); this.handleReplyClick(this.props.status); } handleHotkeyFavourite = () => { this.handleFavouriteClick(this.props.status); } handleHotkeyBoost = () => { this.handleReblogClick(this.props.status); } handleHotkeyMention = e => { e.preventDefault(); this.handleMentionClick(this.props.status); } handleHotkeyOpenProfile = () => { this.context.router.history.push(`/accounts/${this.props.status.getIn(['account', 'id'])}`); } handleMoveUp = id => { const { status, ancestorsIds, descendantsIds } = this.props; if (id === status.get('id')) { this._selectChild(ancestorsIds.size - 1); } else { let index = ancestorsIds.indexOf(id); if (index === -1) { index = descendantsIds.indexOf(id); this._selectChild(ancestorsIds.size + index); } else { this._selectChild(index - 1); } } } handleMoveDown = id => { const { status, ancestorsIds, descendantsIds } = this.props; if (id === status.get('id')) { this._selectChild(ancestorsIds.size + 1); } else { let index = ancestorsIds.indexOf(id); if (index === -1) { index = descendantsIds.indexOf(id); this._selectChild(ancestorsIds.size + index + 2); } else { this._selectChild(index + 1); } } } _selectChild (index) { const element = this.node.querySelectorAll('.focusable')[index]; if (element) { element.focus(); } } renderChildren (list) { return => ( )); } setExpansion = value => { this.setState({ isExpanded: value }); } setRef = c => { this.node = c; } componentDidUpdate () { if (this._scrolledIntoView) { return; } const { status, ancestorsIds } = this.props; if (status && ancestorsIds && ancestorsIds.size > 0) { const element = this.node.querySelectorAll('.focusable')[ancestorsIds.size - 1]; window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { element.scrollIntoView(true); }); this._scrolledIntoView = true; } } componentWillUnmount () { detachFullscreenListener(this.onFullScreenChange); } onFullScreenChange = () => { this.setState({ fullscreen: isFullscreen() }); } shouldUpdateScroll = (prevRouterProps, { location }) => { return !(location.state && location.state.mastodonModalOpen) } render () { let ancestors, descendants; const { setExpansion } = this; const { status, settings, ancestorsIds, descendantsIds, intl } = this.props; const { fullscreen, isExpanded } = this.state; if (status === null) { return ( ); } if (ancestorsIds && ancestorsIds.size > 0) { ancestors =
; } if (descendantsIds && descendantsIds.size > 0) { descendants =
; } const handlers = { moveUp: this.handleHotkeyMoveUp, moveDown: this.handleHotkeyMoveDown, reply: this.handleHotkeyReply, favourite: this.handleHotkeyFavourite, boost: this.handleHotkeyBoost, mention: this.handleHotkeyMention, openProfile: this.handleHotkeyOpenProfile, toggleSpoiler: this.handleExpandedToggle, }; return ( )} />
); } }