The pkg-config gem was necessary in order for nokogiri to find the system
libraries when building on OpenBSD.
Signed-off-by: Bryce Chidester <>
* Replace will_paginate with kaminari
* Use #page instead of #paginate in controllers
* Replace will_paginate.page_gap with pagination.truncate in i18n
* Customize kaminari views to match prior styles
* Set kaminari options to match prior behavior
* Replace will_paginate with paginate in views
* Replace will_paginate with kaminari
* Use #page instead of #paginate in controllers
* Replace will_paginate.page_gap with pagination.truncate in i18n
* Customize kaminari views to match prior styles
* Set kaminari options to match prior behavior
* Replace will_paginate with paginate in views
* Update rspec-rails to version 3.5.2
* Update addressable to version 2.5.1
* Update autoprefixer-rails to version
* Update bullet to version 5.5.1
* Update domain_name to version 0.5.20170404
* Update letter_opener_web to version 1.3.1
* Upate redis-rails to version 5.0.2
* Update active_record_query_trace to version 1.5.4
* Update capistrano-rails to version 1.2.3
* Update dotenv-rails to version 2.2.0
* Update pg to version 0.20.0
* Update tilt to version 2.0.7
* Update warden to version 1.2.7
* Update tins to version 1.13.2
* Update terminal-table to version 1.7.3
* Update oj to version 2.18.5
* Update simplecov to version 0.14.1
* Update uglifier to version 3.1.13
* Update hashdiff to version 0.3.2
* Update webmock to version 2.3.2
* Update devise to version 4.2.1
* Use ruby version 2.4.1
* Update sass to version 3.4.23
* Update puma to version 3.8.2
* Update will_paginate to version 3.1.5
* Update font-awesome-rails to version
* Update fuubar to version 2.2.0
* Update pry-rails to version 0.3.6
* Update simple-navigation to version 4.0.5
* Update rubocop to version 0.48.1
* Update doorkeeper to version 4.2.5
* Update faker to version 1.7.3
* Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.5
* Update fabrication to version 2.16.1
* Update hamlit-rails to version 0.2.0
* Update http to version 2.2.1
* Update httplog to version 0.99.2
* Update sidekiq to version 4.2.10
* Update rspec-sidekiq to version 3.0.0
* Update pghero to version 1.6.4
* Update rack-cors to version 0.4.1
* Update i18n-tasks to version 0.9.13
* Update ruby-oembed to version 0.12.0
* Update jquery-rails to version 4.3.1
* Update simple_form to version 3.4.0
* Update react-rails to version 1.11.0
* Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.6
* Update sidekiq-unique-jobs to version 5.0.0
* Update uglifier to version 3.2.0
* Update rspec-rails to version 3.5.2
* Update addressable to version 2.5.1
* Update autoprefixer-rails to version
* Update bullet to version 5.5.1
* Update domain_name to version 0.5.20170404
* Update letter_opener_web to version 1.3.1
* Upate redis-rails to version 5.0.2
* Update active_record_query_trace to version 1.5.4
* Update capistrano-rails to version 1.2.3
* Update dotenv-rails to version 2.2.0
* Update pg to version 0.20.0
* Update tilt to version 2.0.7
* Update warden to version 1.2.7
* Update tins to version 1.13.2
* Update terminal-table to version 1.7.3
* Update oj to version 2.18.5
* Update simplecov to version 0.14.1
* Update uglifier to version 3.1.13
* Update hashdiff to version 0.3.2
* Update webmock to version 2.3.2
* Update devise to version 4.2.1
* Use ruby version 2.4.1
* Update sass to version 3.4.23
* Update puma to version 3.8.2
* Update will_paginate to version 3.1.5
* Update font-awesome-rails to version
* Update fuubar to version 2.2.0
* Update pry-rails to version 0.3.6
* Update simple-navigation to version 4.0.5
* Update rubocop to version 0.48.1
* Update doorkeeper to version 4.2.5
* Update faker to version 1.7.3
* Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.5
* Update fabrication to version 2.16.1
* Update hamlit-rails to version 0.2.0
* Update http to version 2.2.1
* Update httplog to version 0.99.2
* Update sidekiq to version 4.2.10
* Update rspec-sidekiq to version 3.0.0
* Update pghero to version 1.6.4
* Update rack-cors to version 0.4.1
* Update i18n-tasks to version 0.9.13
* Update ruby-oembed to version 0.12.0
* Update jquery-rails to version 4.3.1
* Update simple_form to version 3.4.0
* Update react-rails to version 1.11.0
* Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.6
* Update sidekiq-unique-jobs to version 5.0.0
* Update uglifier to version 3.2.0
* Use HTTP Accept-Language to detect locale
* Fix gem order to comply with codeclimate
* Sort gem to comply with rubocop
* I18n.default_locale fallback when there is no accept-language header
* Use HTTP Accept-Language to detect locale
* Fix gem order to comply with codeclimate
* Sort gem to comply with rubocop
* I18n.default_locale fallback when there is no accept-language header
* Rewrite Atom generation from stream entries to use Ox instead of Nokogiri::Builder
StreamEntry is now limited to only statuses, which allows some optimization. Removed
extra queries on AccountsController#show. AtomSerializer instead of AtomBuilderHelper
used in AccountsController#show, StreamEntriesController#show, StreamEntryRenderer
and PubSubHubbub::DistributionWorker
PubSubHubbub::DistributionWorker moves n+1 DomainBlock query to PubSubHubbub::DeliveryWorker
All Salmon slaps that aren't based on StreamEntry still use AtomBuilderHelper and Nokogiri
* All Salmon slaps now use Ox instead of Nokogiri. No touch from status on account
* Rewrite Atom generation from stream entries to use Ox instead of Nokogiri::Builder
StreamEntry is now limited to only statuses, which allows some optimization. Removed
extra queries on AccountsController#show. AtomSerializer instead of AtomBuilderHelper
used in AccountsController#show, StreamEntriesController#show, StreamEntryRenderer
and PubSubHubbub::DistributionWorker
PubSubHubbub::DistributionWorker moves n+1 DomainBlock query to PubSubHubbub::DeliveryWorker
All Salmon slaps that aren't based on StreamEntry still use AtomBuilderHelper and Nokogiri
* All Salmon slaps now use Ox instead of Nokogiri. No touch from status on account
This is a big one, so let me enumerate:
Accounts as well as stream entry pages now contain Link headers that
reference the Atom feed and Webfinger URL for the former and Atom entry
for the latter. So you only need to HEAD those resources to get that
information, no need to download and parse HTML <link>s.
ProcessFeedService will now queue ThreadResolveWorker for each remote
status that it cannot find otherwise. Furthermore, entries are now
processed in reverse order (from bottom to top) in case a newer entry
references a chronologically previous one.
ThreadResolveWorker uses FetchRemoteStatusService to obtain a status
and attach the child status it was queued for to it.
FetchRemoteStatusService looks up the URL, first with a HEAD, tests
if it's an Atom feed, in which case it processes it directly. Next
for Link headers to the Atom feed, in which case that is fetched
and processed. Lastly if it's HTML, it is checked for <link>s to the Atom
feed, and if such is found, that is fetched and processed. The account for
the status is derived from author/name attribute in the XML and the hostname
in the URL (domain). FollowRemoteAccountService and ProcessFeedService
are used.
This means that potentially threads are resolved recursively until a dead-end
is encountered, however it is performed asynchronously over background jobs,
so it should be ok.
POST /api/statuses Params: status (text contents), in_reply_to_id (optional)
GET /api/statuses/:id
POST /api/statuses/:id/reblog
GET /api/accounts/:id
GET /api/accounts/:id/following
GET /api/accounts/:id/followers
POST /api/accounts/:id/follow
POST /api/accounts/:id/unfollow
POST /api/follows Params: uri (e.g. user@domain)
OAuth authentication is currently disabled, but the API can be used with HTTP Auth.