desc_html:Configure hCaptcha integration, relying on third-party scripts. This may have security and privacy implications.
desc_html:Require new users to go through hCaptcha at the e-mail validation step. Bots will not be deterred from creating accounts, but they may be prevented from confirming them, leaving them to be automatically cleaned up after a couple days. This does not interfere with app-based registrations.
title:CAPTCHA on email validation
desc_html:Do not require a CAPTCHA
desc_html:Require new users to go through hCaptcha on the registration form, so that CAPTCHA requirement is immediately apparent to them. This disables app-based registrations and may prevent your instance from being listed as having open registrations.
title:CAPTCHA on registration forms
title:CAPTCHA configuration
desc_html:Enable hCaptcha integration, requiring new users to solve a challenge when confirming their email address. This requires third-party scripts from hCaptcha to be embedded in the email verification page, which may have security and privacy concerns. Users that have been invited through a limited-use invite will not need to solve a CAPTCHA challenge.
title:Require new users to go through a CAPTCHA to confirm their account
desc_html:Allow your users to prove their identity via keybase