@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe Settings::TwoFactorAuthentication::ConfirmationsController do
let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, email: 'local-part@domain', otp_secret: with_otp_secret ? 'oldotpsecret' : nil) }
describe 'GET #new' do
context 'when signed in and a new otp secret has been setted in the session' do
context 'when signed in and a new otp secret has been set in the session' do
subject do
sign_in user, scope: :user
get :new, session: { challenge_passed_at: Time.now.utc, new_otp_secret: 'thisisasecretforthespecofnewview' }
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ describe Settings::TwoFactorAuthentication::ConfirmationsController do
expect(response).to redirect_to('/auth/sign_in')
it 'redirects if a new otp_secret has not been setted in the session' do
it 'redirects if a new otp_secret has not been set in the session' do
sign_in user, scope: :user
get :new, session: { challenge_passed_at: Time.now.utc }
expect(response).to redirect_to('/settings/otp_authentication')