@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ class Trends::Statuses < Trends::Base
threshold : 5 ,
review_threshold : 3 ,
score_halflife : 2 . hours . freeze ,
decay_threshold : 0 . 3 ,
class Query < Trends :: Query
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ class Trends::Statuses < Trends::Base
def register ( status , at_time = Time . now . utc )
add ( status . proper , status . account_id , at_time ) if eligible? ( status )
add ( status . proper , status . account_id , at_time ) if eligible? ( status . proper )
def add ( status , _account_id , at_time = Time . now . utc )
@ -74,15 +75,13 @@ class Trends::Statuses < Trends::Base
def eligible? ( status )
original_status = status . proper
original_status . public_visibility? &&
original_status . account . discoverable? && ! original_status . account . silenced? &&
original_status . spoiler_text . blank? && ! original_status . sensitive? && ! original_status . reply?
status . public_visibility? && status . account . discoverable? && ! status . account . silenced? && status . spoiler_text . blank? && ! status . sensitive? && ! status . reply?
def calculate_scores ( statuses , at_time )
redis . pipelined do
global_items = [ ]
locale_items = Hash . new { | h , key | h [ key ] = [ ] }
statuses . each do | status |
expected = 1 . 0
observed = ( status . reblogs_count + status . favourites_count ) . to_f
@ -97,30 +96,24 @@ class Trends::Statuses < Trends::Base
decaying_score = score * ( 0 . 5 ** ( ( at_time . to_f - status . created_at . to_f ) / options [ :score_halflife ] . to_f ) )
add_to_and_remove_from_subsets ( status . id , decaying_score , {
all : true ,
allowed : status . trendable? && status . account . discoverable? ,
} )
next unless valid_locale? ( status . language )
next unless decaying_score > = options [ :decay_threshold ]
add_to_and_remove_from_subsets ( status . id , decaying_score , {
" all: #{ status . language } " = > true ,
" allowed: #{ status . language } " = > status . trendable? && status . account . discoverable? ,
} )
global_items << { score : decaying_score , item : status }
locale_items [ status . language ] << { account_id : status . account_id , score : decaying_score , item : status } if valid_locale? ( status . language )
# Clean up localized sets by calculating the intersection with the main
# set. We do this instead of just deleting the localized sets to avoid
# having moments where the API returns empty results
replace_items ( '' , global_items )
Trends . available_locales . each do | locale |
redis . zinterstore ( " #{ key_prefix } :all: #{ locale } " , [ " #{ key_prefix } :all: #{ locale } " , " #{ key_prefix } :all " ] , aggregate : 'max' )
redis . zinterstore ( " #{ key_prefix } :allowed: #{ locale } " , [ " #{ key_prefix } :allowed: #{ locale } " , " #{ key_prefix } :allowed " ] , aggregate : 'max' )
replace_items ( " : #{ locale } " , locale_items [ locale ] )
def filter_for_allowed_items ( items )
# Show only one status per account, pick the one with the highest score
# that's also eligible to trend
items . group_by { | item | item [ :account_id ] } . values . filter_map { | account_items | account_items . select { | item | item [ :item ] . trendable? && item [ :item ] . account . discoverable? } . max_by { | item | item [ :score ] } }
def would_be_trending? ( id )