It is reasonable to expect someone to enter #foo to mute hashtag #foo.
However, tags are recorded on statuses without the preceding #.
To adjust for this, we build a separate tag matcher and use
Tag::HASHTAG_RE to extract a hashtag from the hashtag syntax.
should_filter=Block.where(account_id:receiver_id,target_account_id:check_for_blocks).any?# Filter if it's from someone I blocked, in reply to someone I blocked, or mentioning someone I blocked
should_filter||=(status.account.silenced?&&!Follow.where(account_id:receiver_id,target_account_id:status.account_id).exists?)# of if the account is silenced and I'm not following them
should_filter||=keyword_filter?(status,Glitch::KeywordMute.matcher_for(receiver_id))# or if the mention contains a muted keyword
should_filter||=keyword_filter?(status,receiver_id)# or if the mention contains a muted keyword