"about.disclaimer":"Mastodon bepul, ochiq kodli dastur va Mastodon gGmbH kompaniyasining savdo belgisidir.",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available":"Sabab mavjud emas",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble":"Mastodon odatda fediversedagi istalgan boshqa serverdagi foydalanuvchilar tarkibini ko'rish va ular bilan muloqot qilish imkonini beradi. Bu alohida serverda qilingan istisnolar.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation":"Bu serverdagi profillar va kontentni koʻrmaysiz, agar siz uni aniq koʻrib chiqmasangiz yoki unga amal qilish orqali kirishni xohlamasangiz.",
"about.domain_blocks.suspended.explanation":"Ushbu serverdan hech qanday ma'lumot qayta ishlanmaydi, saqlanmaydi yoki almashtirilmaydi, bu esa ushbu serverdagi foydalanuvchilar bilan hech qanday o'zaro aloqa yoki aloqani imkonsiz qiladi.",
"bundle_column_error.error.body":"Soʻralgan sahifani koʻrsatib boʻlmadi. Buning sababi bizning kodimizdagi xato yoki brauzer mosligi muammosi bo'lishi mumkin.",
"bundle_column_error.error.title":"Voy yo'q!",
"bundle_column_error.network.body":"Ushbu sahifani yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi. Buning sababi internet ulanishingiz yoki ushbu serverdagi vaqtinchalik muammo bo'lishi mumkin.",
"closed_registrations.other_server_instructions":"Mastodon markazlashtirilmaganligi sababli, siz boshqa serverda hisob yaratishingiz va u bilan o'zaro aloqada bo'lishingiz mumkin.",
"closed_registrations_modal.description":"{domain} da hisob yaratish hozircha imkonsiz, lekin Mastodondan foydalanish uchun maxsus {domain} hisob qaydnomasi kerak emasligini yodda tuting.",
"closed_registrations_modal.find_another_server":"Boshqa server topish",
"closed_registrations_modal.preamble":"Mastodon markazlashtirilmagan, shuning uchun hisob qaydnomangizni qayerda yaratmasligingizdan qat'iy nazar, siz ushbu serverdagi har kimni kuzatishingiz va ular bilan muloqot qilishingiz mumkin bo'ladi. Siz hatto uni o'zingiz ham joylashtirishingiz mumkin!",
"compose_form.encryption_warning":"Mastodondagi xabarlar uchdan uchgacha shifrlanmagan. Mastodon orqali hech qanday nozik ma'lumotni baham ko'rmang.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning":"Bu post hech qanday xeshteg ostida ko‘rsatilmaydi, chunki u ochiq emas. Faqat ochiq xabarlarni heshteg orqali qidirish mumkin.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer":"Hisobingiz {locked}. Faqat obunachilarga moʻljallangan postlaringizni koʻrish uchun har kim sizni kuzatishi mumkin.",
"confirmations.domain_block.message":"Haqiqatan ham, {domain} ni butunlay bloklamoqchimisiz? Ko'pgina hollarda bir nechta maqsadli bloklar yoki ovozni o'chirish etarli va afzaldir. Siz oʻsha domendagi kontentni hech qanday umumiy vaqt jadvallarida yoki bildirishnomalaringizda koʻrmaysiz. Bu domendagi obunachilaringiz olib tashlanadi.",
"confirmations.mute.explanation":"Bu ulardagi postlar va ular haqida eslatib o'tilgan postlarni yashiradi, ammo bu ularga sizning postlaringizni ko'rish va sizni kuzatish imkonini beradi.",
"confirmations.mute.message":"Haqiqatan ham {name} ovozini o‘chirib qo‘ymoqchimisiz?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm":"O'chirish va qayta loyihalash",
"confirmations.redraft.message":"Haqiqatan ham bu postni o‘chirib tashlab, uni qayta loyihalashni xohlaysizmi? Sevimlilar va yuksalishlar yo'qoladi va asl postga javoblar yetim qoladi.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm":"Javob berish",
"confirmations.reply.message":"Hozir javob bersangiz, hozir yozayotgan xabaringiz ustidan yoziladi. Davom etishni xohlaysizmi?",
"disabled_account_banner.text":"{disabledAccount} hisobingiz hozirda oʻchirib qoʻyilgan.",
"dismissable_banner.community_timeline":"Bular akkauntlari {domain} tomonidan joylashtirilgan odamlarning eng soʻnggi ochiq postlari.",
"dismissable_banner.dismiss":"Bekor qilish",
"dismissable_banner.explore_links":"Ushbu yangiliklar haqida hozirda markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqning ushbu va boshqa serverlarida odamlar gaplashmoqda.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_statuses":"Markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqdagi ushbu va boshqa serverlarning ushbu xabarlari hozirda ushbu serverda qiziqish uyg'otmoqda.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags":"Ushbu hashtaglar hozirda markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqning ushbu va boshqa serverlarida odamlar orasida qiziqish uyg'otmoqda.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline":"Bular ushbu va markazlashtirilmagan tarmoqning boshqa serverlaridagi odamlarning ushbu serverga ma'lum bo'lgan eng so'nggi ommaviy xabarlari.",
"embed.instructions":"Quyidagi kodni nusxalash orqali ushbu postni veb-saytingizga joylashtiring.",
"empty_column.account_timeline":"Bu yerda post yo'q!",
"empty_column.account_unavailable":"Profil mavjud emas",
"empty_column.blocks":"Siz hali hech qanday foydalanuvchini bloklamagansiz.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses":"Sizda hali xatcho‘p qo‘yilgan postlar yo‘q. Biriga xatcho‘p qo‘ysangiz, u shu yerda ko‘rinadi.",
"empty_column.community":"Mahalliy vaqt jadvali boʻsh. To'pni aylantirish uchun hammaga ochiq narsa yozing!",
"empty_column.direct":"Sizda hali hech qanday to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri xabar yo‘q. Siz yuborganingizda yoki qabul qilganingizda, u shu yerda ko'rinadi.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks":"Hali bloklangan domenlar mavjud emas.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses":"Hozir hech narsa trendda emas. Keyinroq tekshiring!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses":"Sizda hali sevimli postlar yoʻq. Sizga yoqqanida, u shu yerda chiqadi.",
"empty_column.favourites":"Bu postni hali hech kim yoqtirmagan. Kimdir buni qilsa, ular shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations":"Siz uchun hech qanday taklif yaratilmaganga o‘xshaydi. Siz tanish bo'lgan odamlarni qidirish yoki trendli hashtaglarni o'rganish uchun qidiruvdan foydalanib ko'rishingiz mumkin.",
"empty_column.follow_requests":"Sizda hali kuzatuv soʻrovlari yoʻq. Bittasini olganingizda, u shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.followed_tags":"Siz hali hech qanday hashtagga amal qilmagansiz. Qachonki, ular shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.hashtag":"Ushbu hashtagda hali hech narsa yo'q.",
"empty_column.home":"Bosh sahifa yilnomangiz boʻsh! Uni to'ldirish uchun ko'proq odamlarni kuzatib boring. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.list":"Bu ro'yxatda hali hech narsa yo'q. Ushbu roʻyxat aʼzolari yangi xabarlarni nashr qilganda, ular shu yerda paydo boʻladi.",
"empty_column.lists":"Sizda hali hech qanday roʻyxat yoʻq. Uni yaratganingizda, u shu yerda paydo bo'ladi.",
"empty_column.mutes":"Siz hali hech bir foydalanuvchining ovozini o‘chirmagansiz.",
"empty_column.notifications":"Sizda hali hech qanday bildirishnoma yo‘q. Boshqa odamlar siz bilan muloqot qilganda, buni shu yerda ko'rasiz.",
"empty_column.public":"Bu erda hech narsa yo'q! Biror narsani ochiq yozing yoki uni toʻldirish uchun boshqa serverlardagi foydalanuvchilarni qoʻlda kuzatib boring",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation":"Kodimizdagi xatolik yoki brauzer mosligi muammosi tufayli bu sahifani toʻgʻri koʻrsatib boʻlmadi.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons":"Bu sahifani toʻgʻri koʻrsatib boʻlmadi. Bu xato brauzer qoʻshimchasi yoki avtomatik tarjima vositalaridan kelib chiqqan boʻlishi mumkin.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps":"Sahifani yangilab ko‘ring. Agar bu yordam bermasa, siz boshqa brauzer yoki mahalliy ilova orqali Mastodondan foydalanishingiz mumkin.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons":"Ularni o'chirib ko'ring va sahifani yangilang. Agar bu yordam bermasa, siz boshqa brauzer yoki mahalliy ilova orqali Mastodondan foydalanishingiz mumkin.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace":"Stacktrace-ni vaqtinchalik xotiraga nusxalash",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue":"Muammo haqida xabar berish",
"explore.search_results":"Qidiruv natijalari",
"explore.suggested_follows":"Siz uchun",
"explore.title":"Ko'rib chiqish",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_explanation":"Ushbu filtr toifasi siz ushbu postga kirgan kontekstga taalluqli emas. Agar siz post ham shu kontekstda filtrlanishini istasangiz, filtrni tahrirlashingiz kerak bo'ladi.",
"filter_modal.added.context_mismatch_title":"Kontekst mos kelmadi!",
"filter_modal.added.expired_explanation":"Ushbu filtr toifasi muddati tugagan, uni qo‘llash uchun amal qilish muddatini o‘zgartirishingiz kerak bo‘ladi.",
"follow_recommendations.heading":"Xabarlarni ko'rishni istagan odamlarni kuzatib boring! Bu erda ba'zi takliflar mavjud.",
"follow_recommendations.lead":"Siz kuzatayotgan odamlarning postlari uy tasmangizda xronologik tartibda ko‘rsatiladi. Xato qilishdan qo'rqmang, istalgan vaqtda odamlarni kuzatishdan osongina voz kechishingiz mumkin!",
"follow_request.authorize":"Ruxsat berish",
"follow_request.reject":"Rad etish",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation":"Hisobingiz bloklanmagan boʻlsa ham, {domain} xodimlari ushbu hisoblardan kuzatuv soʻrovlarini qoʻlda koʻrib chiqishingiz mumkin deb oʻylashdi.",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite":"Mastodonda akkaunt bilan siz muallifga buni qadrlayotganingizni bildirish uchun ushbu postni yoqtirishingiz va keyinroq saqlashingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow":"Mastodon’da akkauntga ega bo‘lgan holda, siz {name} ga obuna bo‘lib, ularning postlarini bosh sahifangizga olishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog":"Mastodon-dagi akkaunt yordamida siz ushbu postni o'z izdoshlaringiz bilan baham ko'rish uchun oshirishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.description.reply":"Mastodondagi akkaunt bilan siz ushbu xabarga javob berishingiz mumkin.",
"interaction_modal.other_server_instructions":"Ushbu URL manzilidan nusxa ko‘chiring va sevimli Mastodon ilovangizning qidirish maydoniga yoki Mastodon serveringiz veb-interfeysiga joylashtiring.",
"interaction_modal.preamble":"Mastodon markazlashtirilmaganligi sababli, boshqa Mastodon serverida joylashgan mavjud hisob qaydnomangizdan yoki bu serverda akkauntingiz bo'lmasa, unga mos platformadan foydalanishingiz mumkin.",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control":"To receive notifications when Mastodon isn't open, enable desktop notifications. You can control precisely which types of interactions generate desktop notifications through the {icon} button above once they're enabled.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title":"Never miss a thing",
"picture_in_picture.restore":"Put it back",
"poll.total_people":"{count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"poll.total_votes":"{count, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll.voted":"You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes":"{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll":"Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll":"Remove poll",
"privacy.change":"Adjust status privacy",
"privacy.direct.long":"Visible for mentioned users only",
"privacy.private.long":"Visible for followers only",
"privacy.public.long":"Visible for all",
"privacy.unlisted.long":"Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel":"Your home feed is being prepared!",
"relative_time.full.days":"{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours":"{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now":"just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes":"{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds":"{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
"report.block_explanation":"You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.violation":"Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle":"Choose the best match",
"report.category.title":"Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.comment.title":"Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward":"Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint":"The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute_explanation":"You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"report.placeholder":"Type or paste additional comments",
"report.reasons.dislike":"I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description":"It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other":"It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description":"The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam":"It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description":"Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation":"It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description":"You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle":"Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title":"Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle":"Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title":"Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit":"Submit report",
"report.target":"Report {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action":"Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable":"While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title":"Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable":"Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow":"Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation":"You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"report_notification.attached_statuses":"{count, plural, one {{count} post} other {{count} posts}} attached",
"search_popout.tips.full_text":"Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.",
"search_popout.tips.text":"Simple text returns matching display names, usernames and hashtags",
"search_results.nothing_found":"Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled":"Searching posts by their content is not enabled on this Mastodon server.",
"search_results.title":"Search for {q}",
"search_results.total":"{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}}",
"server_banner.about_active_users":"People using this server during the last 30 days (Monthly Active Users)",
"server_banner.introduction":"{domain} is part of the decentralized social network powered by {mastodon}.",
"server_banner.learn_more":"Learn more",
"server_banner.server_stats":"Server stats:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account":"Create account",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in":"Sign in",
"sign_in_banner.text":"Sign in to follow profiles or hashtags, favourite, share and reply to posts. You can also interact from your account on a different server.",
"status.admin_account":"Open moderation interface for @{name}",
"status.admin_domain":"Open moderation interface for {domain}",
"status.admin_status":"Open this status in the moderation interface",
"status.block":"Block @{name}",
"status.cannot_reblog":"This post cannot be boosted",
"subscribed_languages.lead":"Only posts in selected languages will appear on your home and list timelines after the change. Select none to receive posts in all languages.",
"subscribed_languages.save":"Save changes",
"subscribed_languages.target":"Change subscribed languages for {target}",
"suggestions.dismiss":"Dismiss suggestion",
"suggestions.header":"You might be interested in…",
"time_remaining.days":"{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} left",
"time_remaining.hours":"{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} left",
"time_remaining.minutes":"{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} left",
"time_remaining.moments":"Moments remaining",
"time_remaining.seconds":"{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed":"{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses":"Older posts",
"trends.counter_by_accounts":"{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} in the past {days, plural, one {day} other {{days} days}}",
"trends.trending_now":"Trending now",
"ui.beforeunload":"Your draft will be lost if you leave Mastodon.",
"upload_area.title":"Drag & drop to upload",
"upload_button.label":"Add images, a video or an audio file",