2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources >
<string name= "action_about" > ⵖⴻⴼ</string>
<string name= "action_privacy" > ⵜⵉⵏⵏⵓⵜⵍⴰ</string>
<string name= "action_cache" > Cache</string>
<string name= "action_logout" > ⴼⴼⵖ</string>
<!-- common -->
<string name= "close" > ⵎⴸⴻⵍ</string>
<string name= "yes" > ⵢⴰⵀ</string>
<string name= "no" > ⵓⵀⵓ</string>
<string name= "cancel" > ⵙⴻⴼⵙⴻⵅ</string>
<string name= "download" > ⴰⴳⵎ</string>
<string name= "download_file" > ⴰⴳⵎ %1$s</string>
<string name= "download_from" formatted= "false" > ⴰⴼⴰⵢⵍⵓ: %1$s</string>
<string name= "password" > ⴰⵡⴰⵍ ⵓⴼⴼⵉⵔ</string>
<string name= "email" > ⵉⵎⴰⵢⵍ</string>
<string name= "accounts" > ⵉⵎⵉⴹⴰⵏⵏ</string>
2022-10-12 01:06:21 +03:00
<string name= "toots" > ⵉⵣⵏⴰⵏ</string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "tags" > Tags</string>
<string name= "save" > ⵃⴹⵓ</string>
<string name= "instance_example" > Instance: mastodon.social</string>
<string name= "toast_account_changed" formatted= "false" > Now works with the account %1$s</string>
<string name= "add_account" > ⵔⵏⵓ ⴰⵎⵉⴹⴰⵏ</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "clipboard" > </string>
<string name= "clipboard_url" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "camera" > ⵜⴽⴰⵎⵕⴰ</string>
<string name= "delete_all" > ⴽⴽⵙ ⵎⴰⵕⵕⴰ</string>
<string name= "next" > Next</string>
<string name= "previous" > Previous</string>
<string name= "open_with" > ⵕⵥⵎ ⵙ</string>
<string name= "validate" > Validate</string>
<string name= "media" > Media</string>
<string name= "share_with" > ⴱⴹⵓ ⴰⴽⴷ</string>
<string name= "shared_via" > Shared via Fedilab</string>
<string name= "replies" > Replies</string>
<string name= "username" > ⵉⵙⵎ ⵏ ⵓⵏⵙⵙⵎⵔⵙ</string>
<string name= "drafts" > Drafts</string>
<string name= "favourite" > Favourites</string>
<string name= "follow" > New followers</string>
<string name= "mention" > Mentions</string>
<string name= "reblog" > Boosts</string>
<string name= "show_boosts" > Show boosts</string>
<string name= "show_replies" > Show replies</string>
<string name= "action_open_in_web" > Open in browser</string>
<string name= "translate" > ⵙⵙⵓⵖⵍ</string>
<!-- - Menu -->
<string name= "home_menu" > ⴰⵙⵏⵓⴱⴳ</string>
<string name= "local_menu" > Local timeline</string>
<string name= "muted_menu" > Muted users</string>
<string name= "blocked_menu" > Blocked users</string>
<string name= "notifications" > Notifications</string>
<string name= "follow_request" > Follow requests</string>
<string name= "settings" > ⵜⵉⵙⵖⴰⵍ</string>
<string name= "send_email" > ⴰⵣⵏ ⵉⵎⴰⵢⵍ</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "scheduled_toots" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "disclaimer_full" > Information below may reflect the user\'s profile incompletely.</string>
<string name= "insert_emoji" > ⵔⵏⵓ ⵉⵎⵓⵊⵉ</string>
<string name= "no_emoji" > The app did not collect custom emojis for the moment.</string>
<string name= "logout_account_confirmation" > ⵉⵙ ⵏⵉⵜ ⵜⵅⵙⴼ ⴰⴷ ⵜⴼⴼⵖⴷ @%1$s@%2$s?</string>
<!-- Status -->
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "no_status" > </string>
<string name= "favourite_add" > </string>
<string name= "favourite_remove" > </string>
<string name= "reblog_add" > </string>
<string name= "reblog_remove" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "more_action_1" > ⵙⵙⵓⵙⵎ</string>
<string name= "more_action_2" > ⴳⴷⵍ</string>
<string name= "more_action_3" > ⵎⵍ</string>
<string name= "more_action_4" > ⴽⴽⵙ</string>
<string name= "more_action_5" > ⵙⵙⵏⵖⵍ</string>
<string name= "more_action_6" > ⴱⴹⵓ</string>
2022-10-12 01:06:21 +03:00
<string name= "more_action_7" > Bder</string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "more_action_8" > Timed mute</string>
<string name= "more_action_9" > Delete & re-draft</string>
<string-array name= "more_action_confirm" >
<item > Mute this account?</item>
<item > Block this account?</item>
<item > Report this toot?</item>
<item > Block this domain?</item>
<item > Unmute this account?</item>
<item > Unblock this account?</item>
<string-array name= "action_notification" >
<item > Notify</item>
<item > ⵙⵙⵓⵙⵎ</item>
<string-array name= "more_action_owner_confirm" >
<item > Delete this toot?</item>
<item > Delete & re-draft this toot?</item>
<string name= "bookmarks" > Bookmarks</string>
<string name= "bookmark_add" > Add to bookmarks</string>
<string name= "bookmark_remove" > Remove bookmark</string>
<string name= "status_bookmarked" > Status has been added to bookmarks!</string>
<string name= "status_unbookmarked" > Status was removed from bookmarks!</string>
<!-- Date -->
<string name= "date_seconds" > %d ⵙⵏ</string>
<string name= "date_minutes" > %d ⵙⴷ</string>
<string name= "date_hours" > %d ⵙⵔⴳ</string>
<string name= "date_day" > %d ⴰⵙⵙ</string>
<plurals name= "date_seconds_polls" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d ⵜⵙⵉⵏⵜ</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d ⵜⵉⵙⵉⵏⴰ</item>
<plurals name= "date_minutes_polls" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d ⵜⵓⵙⴷⵉⴷⵜ</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d ⵜⵓⵙⴷⵉⴷⵉⵏ</item>
<plurals name= "date_hours_polls" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵜ</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵉⵏ</item>
<plurals name= "date_day_polls" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d ⵡⴰⵙⵙ</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d ⵡⵓⵙⵙⴰⵏ</item>
<!-- TOOT -->
<string name= "toot_select_image_error" > An error occurred while selecting the media!</string>
<string name= "toot_delete_media" > Remove this media?</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "toot_error_no_content" > ⵉⵣⴻⵏ ⵊⴽ ⴸ ⵉⵍⴻⵎ !</string>
<string name= "toot_sent" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "toot_sensitive" > Sensitive content?</string>
<string name= "no_draft" > No drafts!</string>
<string name= "choose_accounts" > ⴷⵖⵔ ⵢⴰⵏ ⵓⵎⵉⴹⴰⵏ</string>
<string name= "select_accounts" > ⵙⵜⵢ ⴽⵔⴰ ⵏ ⵉⵎⵉⴹⴰⵏⵏ</string>
<string name= "remove_draft" > Delete draft?</string>
<string name= "upload_form_description" > Describe for the visually impaired</string>
<!-- Instance -->
<string name= "instance_no_description" > No description available!</string>
<!-- About -->
<string name= "about_vesrion" > Release %1$s</string>
<string name= "about_developer" > ⴰⵎⵙⵖⵉⵡⵙ:</string>
<string name= "about_license" > ⵜⵓⵔⴰⴳⵜ: </string>
<string name= "about_license_action" > GNU GPL V3</string>
<string name= "about_code" > Source code: </string>
<string name= "about_thekinrar" > Search instances:</string>
<!-- Conversation -->
<!-- Accounts -->
<string name= "no_accounts" > No account to display</string>
<string name= "no_follow_request" > No follow request</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "status_cnt" > ⵉⵣⵏⴰⵏ
\n %1$s</string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "following_cnt" > Following \n %1$s</string>
<string name= "followers_cnt" > ⵉⵎⴹⴼⴰⵕⵏ \n %1$s</string>
<string name= "reject" > ⴰⴳⵢ</string>
<!-- Scheduled toots -->
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "no_scheduled_toots" > </string>
<string name= "remove_scheduled" > </string>
<string name= "toot_scheduled" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "toot_scheduled_date" > The scheduled date must be greater than the current hour!</string>
<!-- timed mute -->
<string name= "timed_mute_date_error" > The time for muting should be greater than one minute.</string>
<string name= "timed_mute_date" > %1$s has been muted until %2$s.\n You can unmute this account from their profile page.</string>
<string name= "timed_mute_profile" > %1$s is muted until %2$s.\n Tap here to unmute the account.</string>
<!-- Notifications -->
<string name= "no_notifications" > No notification to display</string>
<string name= "notif_mention" > mentioned you</string>
<string name= "notif_status" > wrote a new message</string>
<string name= "notif_reblog" > boosted your status</string>
<string name= "notif_favourite" > favourited your status</string>
<string name= "notif_follow" > followed you</string>
<string name= "notif_follow_request" > asked to follow you</string>
<string name= "delete_notification_ask_all" > Delete all notifications?</string>
<string name= "delete_notification_all" > All notifications have been deleted!</string>
<!-- HEADER -->
<string name= "followers" > ⵉⵏⴹⴼⴰⵕⵏ</string>
<!-- TOAST -->
<string name= "client_error" > Unable to get client id!</string>
<string name= "toast_block" > The account was blocked!</string>
<string name= "toast_unblock" > The account is no longer blocked!</string>
<string name= "toast_mute" > The account was muted!</string>
<string name= "toast_unmute" > The account is no longer muted!</string>
<string name= "toast_follow" > The account was followed!</string>
<string name= "toast_unfollow" > The account is no longer followed!</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "toast_reblog" > </string>
<string name= "toast_unreblog" > </string>
<string name= "toast_favourite" > </string>
<string name= "toast_unfavourite" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "toast_error" > Oops ! An error occurred!</string>
<string name= "toast_code_error" > An error occurred! The instance did not return an authorisation code!</string>
<string name= "toast_error_instance" > The instance domain does not seem to be valid!</string>
<string name= "toast_error_loading_account" > An error occurred while switching between accounts!</string>
<string name= "toast_error_search" > An error occurred while searching!</string>
<string name= "nothing_to_do" > No action can be taken</string>
<string name= "toast_error_translate" > An error occurred while translating!</string>
<!-- Settings -->
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "set_toots_page" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "set_disable_gif" > Disable GIF avatars</string>
<string name= "set_notif_follow" > Notify when someone follows you</string>
<string name= "set_notif_follow_share" > Notify when someone boosts your status</string>
<string name= "set_notif_follow_add" > Notify when someone favourites your status</string>
<string name= "set_notif_follow_mention" > Notify when someone mentions you</string>
<string name= "set_notif_follow_poll" > Notify when a poll ended</string>
<string name= "set_notif_status" > Notify for new posts</string>
<string name= "set_share_validation" > Show confirmation dialog before boosting</string>
<string name= "set_share_validation_fav" > Show confirmation dialog before adding to favourites</string>
<string name= "set_notify" > Notify?</string>
<string name= "set_notif_silent" > Silent Notifications</string>
<string name= "set_nsfw_timeout" > NSFW view timeout (seconds, 0 means off)</string>
<string name= "set_med_desc_timeout" > Media Description timeout (seconds, 0 means off)</string>
<string name= "settings_title_custom_sharing" > Custom sharing</string>
2022-05-04 17:33:40 +03:00
<string name= "settings_custom_sharing_url" > Your custom sharing URL…</string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "set_lock_account" > ⵔⴳⵍ ⴰⵎⵉⴹⴰⵏ</string>
<string name= "set_save_changes" > ⵃⴹⵓ ⵉⵙⵏⴼⵍⵏ</string>
<string name= "set_fit_preview" > Fit preview images</string>
<string name= "settings_time_from" > ⴳⵔ</string>
<string name= "settings_time_to" > ⴷ</string>
<string name= "embedded_browser" > Use the built-in browser</string>
<string name= "custom_tabs" > Custom tabs</string>
<string name= "expand_cw" > Automatically expand cw</string>
<string name= "set_led_colour" > Set LED colour:</string>
<string-array name= "led_colours" >
<item > Blue</item>
<item > Cyan</item>
<item > Magenta</item>
<item > Green</item>
<item > ⴰⵣⴳⴳⵯⴰⵖ</item>
<item > ⴰⵡⵔⴰⵖ</item>
<item > ⴰⵎⵍⵍⴰⵍ</item>
<string name= "action_follow" > ⴹⴼⵕ</string>
<string name= "action_unblock" > Unblock</string>
<string name= "action_mute" > ⵙⵙⵓⵙⵎ</string>
<string name= "action_unmute" > ⴽⴽⵙ ⴰⵙⵓⵙⵎ</string>
<string name= "request_sent" > Request sent</string>
<string name= "followed_by" > Follows you</string>
<string name= "set_capitalize" > First letter in capital for replies</string>
<string name= "set_resize_picture" > Resize pictures</string>
<string name= "set_resize_video" > Resize videos</string>
<!-- Quick settings for notifications -->
<!-- CACHE -->
<string name= "cache_units" > ⵎⴱ</string>
<string name= "title_header_custom_sharing" > ⴰⵣⵡⵍ</string>
2022-05-04 17:33:40 +03:00
<string name= "title_hint_custom_sharing" > ⴰⵣⵡⵍ…</string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "description_header_custom_sharing" > Description</string>
<string name= "keywords_header_custom_sharing" > Keywords</string>
2022-05-04 17:33:40 +03:00
<string name= "keywords_hint_custom_sharing" > Keywords…</string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "v_public" > ⴰⴳⴷⵓⴷⴰⵏ</string>
<string name= "v_unlisted" > Unlisted</string>
<string name= "v_private" > ⵓⵙⵍⵉⴳ</string>
<string name= "v_direct" > Direct</string>
<!-- PRIVACY -->
<string name= "filter_regex" > Filter out by regular expressions</string>
<string name= "search" > ⵔⵣⵓ</string>
<string name= "delete" > ⴽⴽⵙ</string>
<!-- About lists -->
<string name= "action_lists" > Lists</string>
<string name= "action_lists_confirm_delete" > Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list?</string>
<string name= "action_lists_add_to" > Add to list</string>
<string name= "action_lists_delete" > Delete list</string>
<string name= "action_lists_title_placeholder" > New list title</string>
<string name= "action_lists_add_user" > The account was added to the list!</string>
<string name= "action_lists_empty" > You don\'t have any lists yet!</string>
<!-- Migration -->
<string name= "account_moved_to" > %1$s has moved to %2$s</string>
<string name= "media_ready" > Media has been loaded. Tap here to display it.</string>
<!-- Proxy -->
<string name= "proxy_set" > ⴰⵒⵕⵓⴽⵙⵉ</string>
<string name= "proxy_enable" > Enable proxy?</string>
<string name= "poxy_host" > Host</string>
<string name= "poxy_port" > Port</string>
<string name= "poxy_login" > Login</string>
<string name= "poxy_password" > Password</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "set_share_details" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "support_the_app_on_liberapay" > Support the app on Liberapay</string>
<string name= "alert_regex" > There is an error in the regular expression!</string>
<string name= "toast_instance_unavailable" > No timelines was found on this instance!</string>
<string name= "follow_instance" > Follow instance</string>
<string name= "toast_instance_already_added" > You already follow this instance!</string>
<string name= "action_partnership" > Partnerships</string>
<string name= "hide_boost" > Hide boosts from %s</string>
<string name= "endorse" > Feature on profile</string>
<string name= "show_boost" > Show boosts from %s</string>
<string name= "unendorse" > Don\'t feature on profile</string>
<string name= "direct_message" > Direct message</string>
<string name= "filters" > ⴰⵙⵜⴰⵢ</string>
<string name= "action_filters_empty_content" > No filters to display. You can create one by tapping on the \"+\" button.</string>
<string name= "filter_keyword" > Keyword or phrase</string>
<string name= "context_home" > Home timeline</string>
<string name= "context_public" > Public timelines</string>
<string name= "context_notification" > Notifications</string>
<string name= "context_conversation" > Conversations</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "filter_keyword_explanations" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "context_drop" > Drop instead of hide</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "context_drop_explanations" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "context_whole_word_explanations" > When the keyword or phrase is alphanumeric only, it will only be applied if it matches the whole word</string>
<string name= "context_whole_word" > Whole word</string>
<string name= "filter_context" > Filter contexts</string>
<string name= "filter_context_explanations" > One or multiple contexts where the filter should apply</string>
<string name= "filter_expire" > Expire after</string>
<string name= "action_filter_delete" > ⴽⴽⵙ ⴰⵙⵜⴰⵢ?</string>
<string name= "action_update_filter" > ⵙⴷⵖⵉ ⴰⵙⵜⴰⵢ</string>
<string name= "action_list_add" > You have not created a list yet. Tap on the \"+\" button to add a new one.</string>
<string name= "expand_image" > Automatically expand hidden media</string>
<string name= "channel_notif_follow" > New follow</string>
<string name= "channel_notif_boost" > New Boost</string>
<string name= "channel_notif_fav" > New Favourite</string>
<string name= "channel_notif_mention" > New Mention</string>
<string name= "channel_notif_poll" > Poll Ended</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "channel_notif_backup" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "channel_notif_status" > New posts</string>
<string name= "channel_notif_media" > Media Download</string>
<string name= "select_sound" > Select Tone</string>
<string name= "set_enable_time_slot" > Enable time slot</string>
<string name= "block_domain_confirm_message" > Are you sure to block %s?\n\nYou will not see any content from that domain in any public timeline or in your notifications. Your followers from that domain will be removed.</string>
<string name= "block_domain" > Block domain</string>
<string name= "toast_block_domain" > The domain is blocked</string>
<string name= "retrieve_remote_status" > Fetching remote status</string>
<string name= "peertube_instance" > Peertube instance</string>
<string name= "set_display_emoji" > Use Emoji One</string>
<string name= "information" > Information</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "set_display_card" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "account_id_clipbloard" > The account id has been copied in the clipboard!</string>
<string name= "set_change_locale" > Change the language</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "truncate_long_toots" > </string>
<string name= "set_truncate_toot" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "display_toot_truncate" > Display more</string>
<string name= "hide_toot_truncate" > Display less</string>
<string name= "tags_already_stored" > The tag already exists!</string>
<string name= "schedule_boost" > Schedule boost</string>
<string name= "boost_scheduled" > The boost is scheduled!</string>
<string name= "no_scheduled_boosts" > No scheduled boost to display!</string>
<string name= "open_menu" > Open menu</string>
<string name= "profile_picture" > Profile picture</string>
<string name= "profile_banner" > Profile banner</string>
<string name= "contact_instance_admin" > Contact admin of the instance</string>
<string name= "mastohost_logo" > MastoHost logo</string>
<string name= "emoji_picker" > Emoji picker</string>
<string name= "expand_conversation" > Expand the conversation</string>
<string name= "custom_emoji_picker" > Custom emoji picker</string>
<string name= "favicon" > Favicon</string>
<string name= "media_description" > Add description for media (for the visually impaired)</string>
<string-array name= "filter_expire" >
<item > Never</item>
<item > 30 minutes</item>
<item > 1 ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵜ</item>
<item > 6 ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵉⵏ</item>
<item > 12 ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵉⵏ</item>
<item > 1 ⵡⴰⵙⵙ</item>
<item > 1 ⵉⵎⴰⵍⴰⵙⵙ</item>
<!-- languages not translated -->
<string name= "languages" > ⵜⵓⵜⵍⴰⵢⵉⵏ</string>
<string name= "show_media_only" > Media only</string>
<string name= "show_media_nsfw" > Show NSFW</string>
<string name= "bot" > ⴰⴱⵓⵜ</string>
<string name= "pixelfed_instance" > Pixelfed instance</string>
<string name= "mastodon_instance" > Mastodon instance</string>
<string name= "any_tags" > Any of these</string>
<string name= "all_tags" > All of these</string>
<string name= "none_tags" > None of these</string>
<string name= "some_words_any" > Any of these words (space-separated)</string>
<string name= "some_words_all" > All these words (space-separated)</string>
<string name= "some_tags" > Add some words to filter (space-separated)</string>
<string name= "change_tag_column" > Change column name</string>
<string name= "misskey_instance" > Misskey instance</string>
<string name= "trending" > Trending</string>
<string name= "local" > Local</string>
<string name= "category" > Category</string>
<string name= "description" > Description</string>
<string name= "share" > ⴱⴹⵓ</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "toots_server" > </string>
<string name= "toots_client" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "settings_category_label_timelines" > Timelines</string>
<string name= "settings_category_label_interface" > Interface</string>
<string name= "contact" > ⴰⵙⵙⴰⵖⵏ</string>
<string name= "toot_select_file_error" > An error occurred when selecting the backup file!</string>
<string name= "action_logout_account" > Logout account</string>
<string name= "all" > ⵎⴰⵕⵕⴰ</string>
<string name= "copy_link" > ⵙⵙⵏⵖⵍ ⴰⵙⵖⵏ</string>
<string name= "calls_blocked" > http calls blocked by the application</string>
<string name= "list_of_blocked_domains" > List of blocked calls</string>
<string name= "submit" > Submit</string>
<string name= "filter_timeline_with_a_tag" > Filter timeline with tags</string>
<string name= "no_tags" > No tags</string>
<string name= "set_retrieve_metadata_share_from_extras" > Attach an image when sharing a URL</string>
<!-- end languages -->
<string name= "create_poll" > ⵔⵏⵓ ⵉⴷⵣ</string>
<string name= "poll_choice_s" > Choice %d</string>
<string name= "poll_invalid_choices" > You need two choices at least for the poll!</string>
<string name= "done" > Done</string>
<string name= "poll_finish_at" > end at %s</string>
<string name= "vote" > Vote</string>
<string name= "notif_poll" > A poll you have voted in has ended</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "notif_poll_self" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "settings_category_notif_categories" > Categories</string>
<string name= "move_timeline" > Move timeline</string>
<string name= "hide_timeline" > Hide timeline</string>
<string name= "reorder_timelines" > Reorder timelines</string>
<string name= "reorder_list_deleted" > List permanently deleted</string>
<string name= "reorder_instance_removed" > Followed instance removed</string>
<string name= "reorder_tag_removed" > Pinned tag removed</string>
<string name= "undo" > Undo</string>
<string name= "warning_main_timeline" > Main timelines can only be hidden!</string>
<string name= "set_sensitive_content" > Always mark media as sensitive</string>
<string name= "gnu_instance" > GNU instance</string>
<string name= "set_forward_tags" > Forward tags in replies</string>
<string name= "set_long_press_media" > Long press to store media</string>
<string name= "add_tags" > Manage tags</string>
<string name= "display_name" > Display name</string>
<string name= "label_emoji" > ⵉⵎⵓⵊⵉ</string>
<string name= "label_text" > ⴰⴹⵕⵉⵚ</string>
<string name= "label_filter" > ⴰⵙⵜⴰⵢ</string>
<string name= "label_brush" > Brush</string>
<string name= "discard" > Discard</string>
<string name= "saving" > Saving…</string>
<string name= "image_saved" > Image Saved Successfully!</string>
<string name= "save_image_failed" > Failed to save Image</string>
<string name= "add_poll_item" > Add a poll item</string>
<string name= "mute_conversation" > Mute conversation</string>
<string name= "unmute_conversation" > Unmute conversation</string>
<string name= "toast_unmute_conversation" > The conversation is no longer muted!</string>
<string name= "toast_mute_conversation" > The conversation is muted</string>
<string name= "category_general" > ⴰⵎⴰⵜⴰⵢ</string>
<string name= "category_regional" > ⴰⵏⵎⵏⴰⴹ</string>
<string name= "category_art" > Art</string>
<string name= "category_activism" > Activism</string>
<string name= "category_games" > ⵓⵔⴰⵔⵏ</string>
<string name= "category_tech" > ⵜⴰⵜⵉⴽⵏⵓⵍⵓⵊⵉⵜ</string>
<string name= "category_furry" > Furry</string>
<string name= "category_food" > ⵓⵜⵛⵉ</string>
<string name= "instance_logo" > Logo of the instance</string>
<string name= "join_mastodon" > Join Mastodon</string>
<string name= "pickup_instance_category" > Choose an instance by picking up a category, then tap on a check button.</string>
<string name= "users" > %1$s users</string>
<string name= "password_confirm" > Confirm password</string>
<string name= "agreement_check" > I agree to %1$s and %2$s</string>
<string name= "server_rules" > server rules</string>
<string name= "tos" > terms of service</string>
<string name= "sign_up" > Sign up</string>
<string name= "validation_needed" > This instance works with invitations. Your account will need to be manually approved by an administrator before being usable.</string>
<string name= "password_error" > Passwords don\'t match!</string>
<string name= "email_error" > The email doesn\'t seem to be valid!</string>
<string name= "email_indicator" > You will be sent a confirmation e-mail</string>
<string name= "password_indicator" > Use at least 8 characters</string>
<string name= "password_too_short" > Password should contain at least 8 characters</string>
<string name= "username_error" > Username should only contain letters, numbers and underscores</string>
<string name= "account_created" > Account created!</string>
<string name= "account_created_message" > Your account has been created!\n\n
Think to validate your email within the 48 next hours.\n\n
You can now connect your account by writing <b > %1$s</b> in the first field and tap on <b > Connect</b> .\n\n
<b > Important</b> : If your instance required validation, you will receive an email once it is validated!
<string name= "save_draft" > Save the message in drafts?</string>
<string name= "administration" > ⵜⴰⵎⵙⵙⵓⴳⵓⵔⵜ</string>
<string name= "reports" > Reports</string>
<string name= "unresolved" > Unresolved</string>
<string name= "remote" > Remote</string>
<string name= "active" > Active</string>
<string name= "pending" > Pending</string>
<string name= "disabled" > Disabled</string>
<string name= "suspended" > Suspended</string>
<string name= "permissions" > Permissions</string>
<string name= "disable" > Disable</string>
<string name= "silence" > Silence</string>
<string name= "account" > ⴰⵎⵉⴹⴰⵏ</string>
<string name= "unsilence" > Undo silence</string>
<string name= "undisable" > Undo disable</string>
<string name= "suspend" > Suspend</string>
<string name= "unsuspend" > Undo suspend</string>
<string name= "audio" > The application needs to access audio recording</string>
<string name= "voice_message" > Voice message</string>
<string name= "set_enable_time_slot_indication" > During the time slot, the app will send notifications. You can reverse (ie: silent) this time slot with the right spinner.</string>
<string name= "set_fit_preview_indication" > Previews will not be cropped in timelines</string>
<string name= "set_capitalize_indication" > Automatically insert a line break after the mention to capitalize the first letter</string>
<string name= "settings_title_custom_sharing_indication" > Allow content creators to share statuses to their RSS feeds</string>
<string name= "compose" > Compose</string>
<string name= "select" > Select</string>
<string name= "add_instances" > Add an instance</string>
<string name= "set_enable_crash_report" > Enable crash reports</string>
<string name= "set_enable_crash_report_indication" > If enabled, a crash report will be created locally and then you will be able to share it.</string>
<string name= "crash_title" > Fedilab has stopped :(</string>
<string name= "crash_message" > You can send me by email the crash report. It will help to fix it :)\n\nYou can add additional content. Thank you!</string>
<string name= "visibility" > Visibility</string>
<string name= "set_disable_animated_emoji" > Disable custom animated emojis</string>
<string name= "report_account" > Report account</string>
<plurals name= "number_of_voters" >
<item quantity= "one" > %d voter</item>
<item quantity= "other" > %d voters</item>
<string-array name= "poll_choice_type" >
<item > Single choice</item>
<item > Multiple choices</item>
<string-array name= "poll_duration" >
<item > 5 minutes</item>
<item > 30 minutes</item>
<item > 1 ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵜ</item>
<item > 6 ⵜⵙⵔⴰⴳⵉⵏ</item>
<item > 1 ⵡⴰⵙⵙ</item>
<item > 3 ⵡⵓⵙⵙⴰⵏ</item>
<item > 7 ⵡⵓⵙⵙⴰⵏ</item>
<string name= "poll_duplicated_entry" > Your poll can\'t have duplicated options!</string>
<string name= "set_clear_cache_exit" > Clear cache when leaving</string>
<string name= "set_clear_cache_exit_indication" > The cache (media, cached messages, data from the built-in browser) will be automatically cleared when leaving the application.</string>
<string name= "unfollow_confirm" > Do you want to unfollow this account?</string>
<string name= "set_unfollow_validation" > Show confirmation dialog before unfollowing</string>
<string name= "replace_medium" > Replace Medium links</string>
2022-10-17 08:51:51 +03:00
<string name= "replace_medium_description" > </string>
2022-04-27 16:20:42 +03:00
<string name= "replace_medium_host" > Default: scribe.rip</string>
<string name= "set_push_notifications" > Use a push notifications system for getting notifications in real time.</string>
<string name= "action_add_notes" > Add notes</string>
<string name= "note_for_account" > Notes for the account</string>
<string name= "set_resize_picture_indication" > Allow to compress large photos into smaller sized photos with very less or negligible loss in quality of the image.</string>
<string name= "set_resize_video_indication" > Allow compressing videos while maintaining their quality.</string>
<string name= "order_by" > Order by</string>
<string name= "link_color_title" > Links</string>
<string name= "link_color" > Change the color of links (URLs, mentions, tags, etc.) in messages</string>
<string name= "boost_header_color_title" > Reblogs header</string>
<string name= "displayname_title" > Change the color of display name at the top of messages</string>
<string name= "username_title" > Change the color of the user name at the top of messages</string>
<string name= "boost_header_color" > Change the color of the header for reblogs</string>
<string name= "background_status_title" > Posts</string>
<string name= "background_status" > Background color of posts in timelines</string>
<string name= "reset_color" > Reset colors</string>
<string name= "clik_reset" > Tap here to reset all your custom colors</string>
<string name= "reset" > Reset</string>
<string name= "icons_color_title" > ⵉⴽⵓⵏ</string>
<string name= "icons_color" > Color of bottom icons in timelines</string>
<string name= "logo_of_the_instance" > Logo of the instance</string>
<string name= "edit_profile" > Edit profile</string>
<string name= "make_an_action" > Make an action</string>
<string name= "translation" > Translation</string>
<string name= "text_color_title" > Text color</string>
<string name= "text_color" > Change the text color in pots</string>
<string name= "pref_custom_theme" > Use a custom theme</string>
<string name= "theming" > Theming</string>
<string name= "data_export_theme" > The theme was exported</string>
<string name= "data_export_theme_success" > The theme has been successfully exported in CSV</string>
<string name= "import_theme" > Import a theme</string>
<string name= "import_theme_title" > Tap here to import a theme from a previous export</string>
<string name= "export_theme" > Export the theme</string>
<string name= "export_theme_title" > Tap here to export the current theme</string>
<string name= "theme_file_error" > An error occurred when selecting the theme file</string>
<string name= "user_count" > User count</string>
<string name= "status_count" > Status count</string>
<string name= "instance_count" > Instance count</string>
<string name= "poll_finish_in" > End in %s</string>
<string name= "no_instance_reccord" > This instance is not available on https://instances.social</string>
<string name= "display_full_link" > Display full link</string>
<string name= "share_link" > Share link</string>
<string name= "open_other_app" > Open with another app</string>
<string name= "check_redirect" > Check redirect</string>
<string name= "no_redirect" > This URL does not redirect</string>
<string name= "redirect_detected" > %1$s \n\nredirects to\n\n %2$s</string>
<string name= "set_utm_parameters" > Remove UTM parameters</string>
<string name= "set_utm_parameters_indication" > The app will automatically remove UTM parameters from URLs before visiting a link.</string>
<string name= "talking_about" > %d people talking</string>
<string name= "twitter_accounts" > Twitter accounts (via Nitter)</string>
<string name= "list_of_twitter_accounts" > Twitter usernames space separated</string>
<string name= "identity_proofs" > Identity proofs</string>
<string name= "verified_user" > Verified identity</string>
<string name= "verified_by" > Verified by %1$s (%2$s)</string>
<string name= "action_disabled" > Action disabled</string>
<string name= "action_unfollow" > Unfollow</string>
<string name= "error_destination_path" > Something went wrong, please check your download directory in settings.</string>
<string name= "action_announcements" > Announcements</string>
<string name= "no_announcements" > No announcements!</string>
<string name= "add_reaction" > Add a reaction</string>
<string name= "set_video_cache" > Video cache in MB, zero means no cache.</string>
<string name= "set_watermark" > Watermarks</string>
<string name= "set_watermark_indication" > Automatically add a watermark at the bottom of pictures. The text can be customized for each account.</string>
<string name= "no_distributors_found" > No distributors found!</string>
<string name= "no_distributors_explanation" > You need a distributor for receiving push notifications.\nYou will find more details at %1$s.\n\nYou can also disable push notifications in settings for ignoring that message.</string>
<string name= "select_distributors" > Select a distributor</string>
2022-05-04 17:33:40 +03:00